
Light weight Terminal User Interface (TUI) to pick material colors written by Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Light weight Terminal User Interface (TUI) to pick material colors. You do NOT need to take your hands off the keyboard to pick colors.


Getting started

Here, I introduce two methods. If go is installed, the first method would be more convenient.

Method 1: With go install

  1. go install github.com/tenkoh/mcpick
  2. add $GOPATH/bin to $PATH

Method 2: Manual install

  1. Save the binary file mcpick in any directory. The binary files are listed on release page.
  2. Add the path to PATH.


  1. Select color and light which you like.
    • Move up/down by k / j or arrow keys
    • Switch color and light by Enter or Tab
  2. Select output style. Note: after hit the key, this app immediately closes.
    • w: web color style (#ffffff)
    • r: rgb color style (255, 255, 255)
  • Hit b to switch background color.
  • Hit Ctrl + C to quit.

Advanced usage

This app JUST outputs color code to the terminal. You can combinate this app with others like pbcopy in MacOS or clip in Windows.

Example: MacOS

The example below copies color code to the clipboard. The most convenient way is make alias in your .bashrc or .zshrc.

alias mcp='mcpick | pbcopy'

Example: Windows

The example below copies color code to the clipboard. The most convenient way is make .bat file and add the path to PATH.

# mcp.bat
mcpick | clip


I'm really welcome your contribution.