
A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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This library simplifies access to mongodb by abstracting away the C# mongodb driver and providing some additional features on top of it. The API is clean and intuitive resulting in less lines of code that is more readable/ human friendly than driver code.


  • Don't have to deal with ObjectIds, BsonDocuments & magic strings unless you want to.
  • Built-in support for One-To-One, One-To-Many and Many-To-Many relationships.
  • Async only API for scalable application development.
  • Query data using LINQ, lambda expressions, filters and aggregation pipelines.
  • Sorting, paging and projecting is made convenient.
  • Simple data migration framework similar to EntityFramework.
  • Programatically define indexes.
  • Full text search (including fuzzy matching) with text indexes.
  • Multi-document transaction support.
  • Multiple database support.
  • Easy bulk operations.
  • Easy Change-stream support.
  • GeoSpatial search.
  • Stream files in chunks to and from mongodb (GridFS alternative).
  • Project types supported: .Net Standard 2.0 (.Net Core 2.0 & .Net Framework 4.6.1 or higher)


Code Sample

    //Initialize database connection
        await DB.InitAsync("bookshop","localhost");

    //Create and persist an entity
        var book = new Book { Title = "The Power Of Now" };
        await book.SaveAsync();
    //Embed as document
        var dickens = new Author { Name = "Charles Dickens" };
        book.Author = dickens.ToDocument();
        await book.SaveAsync();
    //One-To-One relationship
        var hemmingway = new Author { Name = "Ernest Hemmingway" };
        await hemmingway.SaveAsync();
        book.MainAuthor = hemmingway;
        await book.SaveAsync();

    //One-To-Many relationship
        var tolle = new Author { Name = "Eckhart Tolle" };
        await tolle.SaveAsync();
        await book.Authors.AddAsync(tolle);

    //Many-To-Many relationship
        var genre = new Genre { Name = "Self Help" };
        await genre.SaveAsync();
        await book.AllGenres.AddAsync(genre);
        await genre.AllBooks.AddAsync(book);

        var author = await DB.Find<Author>().OneAsync("ID");

        var authors = await DB.Find<Author>().ManyAsync(a => a.Publisher == "Harper Collins");

        var eckhart = await DB.Queryable<Author>()
                              .Where(a => a.Name.Contains("Eckhart"))

        var powerofnow = await genre.AllBooks.ChildrenQueryable()
                                             .Where(b => b.Title.Contains("Power"))

        var selfhelp = await book.AllGenres.ChildrenQueryable().FirstAsync();

        await book.MainAuthor.DeleteAsync();
        await book.AllAuthors.DeleteAllAsync();
        await book.DeleteAsync();
        await DB.DeleteAsync<Genre>(genre.ID);

Code Examples


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