
Data store for i-bem.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bemodeler β€” Data store for i-bem.js

πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί Bemodeler β€” Π₯Ρ€Π°Π½ΠΈΠ»ΠΈΡ‰Π΅ Π΄Π°Π½Π½Ρ‹Ρ… для i-bem.js

BEM β€” is methodology for effective web-development. More information at http://ru.bem.info.

I-bem.js β€” is library for writting client side JavaScript with BEM.

Bemodeler β€” is extension for i-bem, which realizing ability to store data of block in separate place and ability to declaration this data in simple models.


bower install bemodeler


For working bemodeler requires i-bem, which in turn requires jquery.

After install bemodeler from bower by dependencies will be installed the latest version of i-bem and jquery.

Group of abovementioned technologies working only in browser, where should be include all three libraries in the following order:

<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/i-bem/i-bem.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/bemodeler/bemodeler.min.js"></script>


Bemodeler adds method model in this each block. This method accepts one or two parameters depending on what gets or sets the value for specified field in the model.

For example, let's take arbitrary block:

BEM.decl('block', {});
var block = BEM.create('block');

Now lets's add to received instance of the block in the model property greeter with the value hello world:

block.model('greeter', 'hello world'); // β†’ block

After call with two parameters, method model returns block, for ability write the call chain.

Now values of property greeter stored in bemodeler and we can get it by calling the method model with one parameter:

block.model('greeter'); // β†’ 'hello world'

Declaration models

Models declared similarly as block in i-bem:

BEM.decl('block', {});
BEM.model('block', {});

Model always should be declared in scope BEM even if block was declared in scope BEM.DOM:

BEM.DOM.decl('button', {});
BEM.model('button', {});

To declaring model for the block with modifiers bemodeler supports syntax similar i-bem.

Example declaration of model by the name of block modifier:

BEM.model({ block: 'component', modName: 'disabled' }, {});

Example declaration of model by the name and value of block modifier:

BEM.model({ block: 'component', modName: 'type', modVal: 'text' }, {});

Property value

Property value used for preset the default value of data in model declaration.

Example for block component:

BEM.decl('component', {});

Declaring property name with preset value:

BEM.model('component', {
    name: { value: 'Jhon' }

This value will be set for block component by default:

BEM.create('component').model('name'); // β†’ 'Jhon'

If you need to make certain calculations, it is possible to pass a function in the value of property value. Context of this function will be the block:

BEM.model('component', {
    name: { value: function() {
        return this.__self.getName();
BEM.create('component').model('name'); // β†’ 'component'

Property get

For data processing when trying their getting, in model declaration you can use property get.

Property get takes a function, which is passed one parameter β€” current value of the model for the described property.

Example for block component:

BEM.decl('component', {});

Let's declare property name with handler on getting:

BEM.model('component', {
    name: {
        value: 'Steve',
        get: function(value) {
            return value.toUpperCase();
BEM.create('component').model('name'); // β†’ 'STEVE'

Property set

For data processing when setting their values, in model declaration you can use property set.

Property set takes a function, which is passed two parameters:

  • new value
  • current value

Example for block component:

BEM.decl('component', {});

Let's declare property count with handler on setting value:

BEM.model('component', {
    count: {
        value: 30,
        set: function(value, currentValue) {
            return value < 100 ? value : currentValue;
var component = BEM.create('component');
component.model('count', 50).model('count'); // β†’ 50
component.model('count', 150).model('count'); // β†’ 50

Specifying properties in JS-parameters

Data values may be specified in property model of JS-parameters block.

Example for block component:

BEM.decl('component', {});

Let's declare model with property name:

BEM.model('component', {
    name: { value: 'Jhon' }

Let's create an instance of the block component with specifying the values for properties of his model.

var component = BEM.create('component', { model: {
    name: 'Steve'

The values specified in JS-parameters of block take precedence over the values specified in declaration of model:

component.model('name'); // β†’ 'Steve'

The field model not available directly in the block parameters:

component.params.model; // β†’ undefined