
This is an Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient with plenty of features and more to come!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PokeGrinder 🤖

This is an Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient with plenty of features and more to come.

Supported features

This bot can currently handle :

  1. Hunting
  • Encounter then use a ball depending on the rarity of the Pokemon.
  • Stops if a captcha appears then continue after the captcha has been solved.
  • Logs elapsed time, encounters, catches, fishes caught, captchas solved and eggs hatched.
  1. Fishing
  • Sends ball according to the rarity of the fish!
  • Balls for each rarity can be specified in config.json.
  1. Captcha Solving
  • Solves captchas using AntiCaptcha API.
  • Notifies if unable to solve captcha.
  • If captcha solver disabled, will notify otherwise.
  • Captcha Solver and Notifier can both be toggles on/off.
  1. Auto-Buy Balls
  • Automatically buys balls when 0 are left.
  • Can buy custom amounts which can be specified in config.json.
  • If you don't want to autobuy a ball just set its amount to 0 in config.json.
  1. Handling Eggs
  • Automatically hatches and holds eggs.
  • You must be holding an egg before you start grinding if you want the bot to handle eggs.
  • You can hold eggs between the grind and then the bot will handle the rest.

Upcoming Features

  1. Auto Complete Checklist
  2. Auto Release Duplicates
  3. Log Pokecoins earned
  4. Suspicion Avoidance Features


On your PC

  1. Install Python 3.8 or higher.
  2. Download this repo then unzip it.
  3. Inside of the repo type the following command python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Paste your Dicord Auth Token, User ID and the Channel ID you want to grind in inside config.json.
  5. You may also edit the rarities section in config.json according to your convenience.


  1. Run main.py.
  2. Make sure to buy balls before launching.
  3. The bot will take some time (depending on your hardware) to start. When it is ready it will do ;p in the channel you provided in config.json and then start grinding.


To stop the program simply close the command prompt.

Disclamer ⚠️

  • We're of course not responsible for any ban you recieve for using this bot.
  • Please keep an eye on the bot to solve captchas. Do not be irresponsible if you don't want to get banned.
  • Please do not grind in public servers.
  • Hunting and Fishing must be done in seperate servers.
  • If you get "please wait" message while fishing, it is not because of this bot as the timers are fixed. This is a problem with Pokemeow itself. The bot will automatically send ";f" again if this comes.