
Windows Build

flashpixx opened this issue · 3 comments


I’m using in a Python 3.10 project tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.33 as transitive dependency of a library. As build tool I’m using Poetry. Under Linux / OSX everything workfs fine, but I try to build / run my tool under Windows (I’m using Gitlabs Windows Shared Runner).

During “poetry install” the installation breaks:

Installing tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem (0.33.0)
Unable to find installation candidates for tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem (0.33.0)
C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\poetry\installation\chooser.py:76 in choose_for
73| links.append(link)
75| if not links:
76| raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find installation candidates for {package}")
78| # Get the best link
79| chosen = max(links, key=lambda link: self._sort_key(package, link))

How can I build my system on Windows / install the correct dependency?
Thanks a lot

Is this a dupe of #1815?

Yes it is. See also the discussion at python-poetry/poetry#8271

Hi @flashpixx can you please try the solution provided in tensorflow/tensorflow#58674 (comment)
Please let me know if this doesn't resolve your issue