
V5+ iteration of FastBTC with rBTC->BTC transfers

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bi-directional FastBTC

This repo contains the RSK to Bitcoin (rBTC to BTC) version of FastBTC. Despite the name, it does not (yet) handle Bitcoin to RSK (BTC to rBTC) transfers, as those are handled by the existing FastBTC.

It consists of two major parts:

  • fastbtc-contracts: A set of RSK smart contracts used to accept rBTC transfers and to track the transfer state to the Bitcoin network. Status updates are controlled by a network of federators, where signatures from a majority of federators is needed for new updates.
  • fastbtc-node: The backend service, a federator node that operates in a peer-to-peer network. The network tracks rBTC transfers on the contract and obtains a consensus of actions to do, sending BTC from a Bitcoin multisig wallet and updating status to the RSK smart contract. Signatures are exchanged off-chain to avoid gas costs, and various techniques are used to prevent double-spending.

High-level data flow

high-level data flow

Unit tests

To run unit tests in all packages, run:

make test

Integration test

The repo contains and integration test setup that deploys the contracts to a local Hardhat network, launches a local Bitcoin network using bitcoind regtest, creates a 2-of-3 multisig wallet on it, and launches a network of 3 federators. It requires docker-compose, and can be launched with:

make run-demo-regtest

For the first run, it can take ~20-30 minutes to build and start everything -- subsequent startups are faster. It will output a lot of logs. To only observe federator node logs, run the command make show-node-logs (in another terminal)

After the network has started, you should see output resembling this (with slight variations):

fastbtc2-node2-1            | node id:          7eNHnBNMeNxQIcetjAno8R
fastbtc2-node2-1            | initiator id:     1ZFfiFbX7kkMTVOkgj7x1D
fastbtc2-node2-1            | is initiator?     false
fastbtc2-node2-1            | nodes online:     3
fastbtc2-node2-1            | transfers total:  12
fastbtc2-node2-1            | not initiator, not doing anything

Note that before the network is fully operational, it's normal to see some messages that look like errors (e.g. "Invalid signature from server") in the logs.

After the startup is done, you can run an example script that sends a mixture of valid and invalid transfers (it requires node.js, yarn and bitcoin-cli (available in PATH either as bitcoin-cli or bitcoin-core.cli):

$ make test-transfers
... some yarn/hardhat logs about building ...
User balance before: 0.00000000 BTC
Sending 5 rBTC (5000000000000000000 wei) to 0xB3b77A8Bc6b6fD93D591C0F34f202eC02e9af2e8
tx hash: 0xd3873623deb510a2c6552b9d5f76952aebae9ac55982e5d1b1b8a32df876e3b9
Sending 0.15 rBTC from 0xB3b77A8Bc6b6fD93D591C0F34f202eC02e9af2e8 to BTC address bcrt1qq8zjw66qrgmynrq3gqdx79n7fcchtaudq4rrf2 4 times
4 invalid transfers sent, followed by 4 transfers to proper addresses. They should be visible in a couple of minutes
Polling balances, Ctrl-C to exit
User balance: 0.00000000 BTC
User balance: 0.00000000 BTC
User balance: 0.00000000 BTC
User balance: 0.00000000 BTC
User balance: 0.59992000 BTC
User balance: 0.59992000 BTC
User balance: 0.59992000 BTC
User balance: 0.59992000 BTC

Hit Ctrl-C to quit it.

Advanced details

The test setup (launched with make run-demo-regtest) will expose the Hardhat RPC server at http://localhost:18545 and the bitcoind regtest RPC server at http://localhost:18443 (use the user RPC wallet, with authentication fastbtc/hunter2).

The Hardhat RPC can be interacted with the integration-test Hardhat network, e.g.:

$ cd packages/fastbtc-contracts
$ yarn && yarn build  # install and compile everything
$ npx hardhat --network integration-test federators
$ npx hardhat --network integration-test free-money 0xB3b77A8Bc6b6fD93D591C0F34f202eC02e9af2e8 5
Sending 5 rBTC (5000000000000000000 wei) to 0xB3b77A8Bc6b6fD93D591C0F34f202eC02e9af2e8
tx hash: 0x92f9093ce53169223392e4df1d1ac00415b523dd3b7151cbc0f9ed45a5ff6147

Or with CURL:

$ curl http://localhost:18545 \            
  -s -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Request-Method: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2021 01:28:01 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5
Content-Length: 42


The Bitcoin regtest network can be interacted with using bitcoin-cli (see integration_tests/scripts/bitcoin_cli.sh) or with CURL:

$ curl http://localhost:18443/wallet/user \
  -s -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user fastbtc:hunter2 \ 
  --data '{"method":"getwalletinfo","params":[],"id":1}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2021 01:27:05 GMT
Content-Length: 425


See also integration_test/scripts/test_example_transfer.sh

The RSK Smart contracts (fastbtc-contracts)

For details about the smart contracts, see packages/fastbtc-contracts/README.md.

The P2P network (fastbtc-node)

The package fastbtc-node contains the implementation of the background service. The nodes form a peer-to-peer network, where they connect to other nodes using pre-configured addresses, and then discover all nodes in the network.

For more in-depth information, see packages/fastbtc-node/README.md.

Data flow

fastbtc-node data flow


The project also has an example UI (fastbtc-ui) that is not meant for production and should not be a part of any audit. It does not currently support the integration test setup out of the box

A note about secrets and private keys

The integration_test/nodes directory includes some private keys for the Bitcoin and RSK networks. These are generated exclusively for the project and are meant to be in Git, but please do not use them with real money.