====================================== Ion Auth Simple and Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2 (but much better of course) by Ben Edmunds added awesomeness by Phil Sturgeon ====================================== Hey everybody, Redux Auth 2 had a lot of potential. It's lightweight, simple, and clean, but had a ton of bugs and was missing some key features. So I've refactored the code and added new methods and functions with the much appreciated help of Phil Sturgeon. DOCUMENTATION: Documentation is located at http://benedmunds.com/ion_auth/ INSTALLATION: Just copy the files from this package to the correspoding folder in your application folder. For example, copy Ion_auth/config/ion_auth.php to system/application/config/ion_auth.php. USING THE LIBRARY: In the package you will find example usage code in the controllers and views folders. The example code isn't the most beautiful code you'll ever see but it'll show you how to use the library and it's nice and generic so it doesn't require a MY_controller or anything but it will be easy to add render() methods if needed since there is only one load->view() per controller method. DEFAULT LOGIN: Username: admin@admin.com Password: password IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that you use encrypted database sessions for security! OPTIMIZATION: It is recommended that you add your identity column as an index. Feel free to send me an email if you have any problems. Thanks, -Ben Edmunds ben.edmunds@gmail.com @benedmunds