This repository contains some of my programming assignments; some of them were implemented with other colleagues, because of the team spirit that the assignment tried to create. Let's have a quick look at the folders' structure.
software_engineering : The purpose of this project was to understand the fundamentals of UML. I was the leader in a team of 3; we had to represent a Library Management application; we successfully accomplished to present a fully working desktop application, written in JAVA
, handled with MySQL
and presented with Java Swing
. The project involved 3 separate sections: 1) Requirements Engineering, 2) Design Engineering , 3) Coding. I was responsible for the supervision of the other 2 members of my team. I also had my separate parts in sections 1) and 2) and I did wrote all the code for this project. It got a score 100% and awarded as the best student project for the subject of Software Engineering. I will soon upload the related UML diagrams, too. Last, but not least, I didn't emphasize in the design, as the assignment's main scope was to understand the fundamentals of UML. You can find a video-demo (in Greek, unfortunately; I didn't look forward to uploading it to Github!), explaining our application's functionality, in this link.
And here's the Librarian's login screenshot:
OOP_II : This folder is about a personal programming assignment in C++
, where we had to visualize an infirmary's software application, that handled doctors' appointments. This is an individual's work. Score: 80%.
computer_architecture : This project was about implementing the famous game "Simon Says" in assembly x86
. It was a team project, where both of us contributed to the design and the implementation. Score: 100%.
computer_graphics : This subject included two projects, one mandatory and an optional one; both of them had to be implemented as individual projects (no teams were allowed), by using OpenGL
. I used C++
for both of them. In the mandatory project, we had to implement the view of a solar system and what I finally came through, was something like this:
The optional one, was about implementing the pac-man game, where almost noone participated, due to lack of time that we faced that period, because of exams. Despite of not implementing even the fifty percent of it, I was given an overall score of 100% (to both of them), because of the following features: using curves instead of lines (for the maze), implementation of collision logic, pac-man's ability to pass through walls. Trying to run what's in the corresponding /pac-man/main.cpp
, should give you an output like this:
dip : In the course of Digital Image Processing
, a colleague of mine and me, implemented a Brain Tumor Segmentation application, using Matlab
. Our final product was abstract, in order to fully handle every medical image taken from the human body and not only the tumor's, as it had been asked to. In the fore-mentioned fore, I also put some sample medical images, just in case you 'd like sth quick to experiment the application by yourself. Our score was 100% and the final image manipulation, from selection till segmentation, looked like below:
You can also find a related video-demo in this link
security : In this course, we have had several weekly assignments, related to Computers & Networking Security
, a final project and an optional project, where we had to implement encryption, decryption and bruteforcing, using SDES
algorithm. I used C
for this project (an individual one); score:80%. Here is a screenshot taken from the encryption function:
optical_networks : simulation of ALOHA and XG-PON.
All the above projects are licensed under the according document of the current folder.