
Reading the linearizability paper with TLA+

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Reading the Herlihy & Wing Linearizability paper with TLA+

This repository contains a TLA+ model for checking if an object history is linearizable.

See also: Reading the Herlihy & Wing Linearizability paper with TLA+, part 2: prophecy variables

The Herlihy & Wing 1990 paper entitled Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects introduced linearizability as a correctness condition for reasoning about the behavior of concurrent data structures.

Peter Bailis's blog entry Linearizability versus Serializability has a good definition:

Linearizability is a guarantee about single operations on single objects. It provides a real-time (i.e., wall-clock) guarantee on the behavior of a set of single operations (often reads and writes) on a single object (e.g., distributed register or data item).

In plain English, under linearizability, writes should appear to be instantaneous. Imprecisely, once a write completes, all later reads (where “later” is defined by wall-clock start time) should return the value of that write or the value of a later write. Once a read returns a particular value, all later reads should return that value or the value of a later write.

There are several linearizable data stores whose behaviors have been specified with TLA+:

However, none of these models use the definition of linearizability outlined in the original paper by Herlihy & Wing.

Indeed, the definition in the original paper is awkward to use with TLC (the TLA+ model checker), because it involves reordering of event histories, which leads to state space explosion.

However, I found it useful to work directly with the definition of linearizability as an exercise for practicing with TLA+, as well as to gain a better understanding of how linearizability is defined.

Files in this repository

  • Linearizability.tla contains a definition of linearizability. In particular, the IsLinearizableHistory operator returns true if an event history is linearizable.
  • LinQueue.tla instantiates the Linearizability module for a queue (FIFO) object. It contains an IsLinearizableHistory operator that returns true if an event history for a queue is linearizable.
  • LinQueuePlusCal.tla is a PlusCal version. If a history is linearizable, using TLC with this module makes it easy to see a valid linearization.
  • Utilities.tla conatins some general-purpose operators.


On p469, the paper defines a linearizable object as an object whose concurrent histories are linearizable with respect to some sequential specification.

To understand linearizability, we need to understand what a concurrent history is.

As a motivating example, figure one from the paper shows several possible histories for a concurrently accessed queue. Figures 1(a) and 1(c) are linearizable, and Figures 1(b) and 1(d) are not.

Figure 1

Each interval represents an operation. There are two types of operations: {E, D} for enqueue and dequeue. There are three processes: {A, B, C}. There are three items that can be added to the queue: {x, y, z}.

Here's how I modeled these four histories in TLA+:

H1 == <<
        [op|->"E", val|->"x", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"E", val|->"y", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"D",  proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"x", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"D",  proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"y", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"E", val|->"z", proc|->"A"]>>

H2 == <<
        [op|->"E", val|->"x", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"E", val|->"y", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"D",  proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"y", proc|->"A"]

H3 == <<
        [op|->"E", val|->"x", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"D", proc|-> "B"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"x", proc|->"B"]>>

H4 == <<
        [op|->"E", val|->"x", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"E", val|->"y", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"Ok", proc|->"B"],
        [op|->"D", proc|-> "A"],
        [op|->"D", proc|-> "C"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"y", proc|->"A"],
        [op|->"Ok", val|->"y", proc|->"C"]

We can use the IsLinearizableHistory operator from LinQueue.tla to verify that H2 is not linearizable.

Evaluating IsLinearizable(H2)

For H3, we can use the FindLinearization algorithm from LinQueuePlusCal.tla to find a linearization. Specify linearizable = FALSE as the invariant and run the model checker. The variable S contains the linearization:

H3 linearization

Here's the value for S:

    [op|->"E", val|->"x", proc|->"A"],
    [op|->"Ok", proc|->"A"],
    [op|->"D", proc|-> "B"],
    [op|->"Ok", val|->"x", proc|->"B"]

Some excerpts of the model

I endeavored to make the TLA+ representation as close as possible to how the definitions were written in the paper, rather than trying to optimize for reducing the state space of the TLC model checker.

Linearizable history


A history H is linearizable if it can be extended (by appending zero or more response events) to some history H’ such that:

  • L1: complete(H’) is equivalent to some legal sequential history S, and
  • L2: <H ⊆ <S

Here's how I modeled this in TLA+:

IsLinearizableHistory(H) == 
    \E Hp \in ExtendedHistories(H) : 
       LET completeHp == Complete(Hp)
       IN \E f \in Orderings(Len(completeHp)) :
            LET S == completeHp ** f            
            IN /\ IsSequential(S)               \* L1
               /\ IsLegal(S)                    \* L1
               /\ AreEquivalent(S, completeHp)  \* L1
               /\ RespectsPrecedenceOrdering(H, S) \* L2


From p467:

If H is a history, complete(H) is the maximal subsequence of H consisting only of invocations and matching responses.

A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements (source: Wikipedia)

Complete(H) ==
    LET subseqs == Subsequences(H)
    IN CHOOSE CH \in subseqs :
        /\ OnlyInvAndMatchingResponses(CH) 
        /\ \A s \in subseqs : OnlyInvAndMatchingResponses(s) => Len(s) <= Len(CH) \* maximal



A history H is sequential if:

  1. The first event of H is an invocation.
  2. Each invocation, except possibly the last, is immediately followed by a matching response. Each response is immediately followed by a matching invocation.
IsSequential(H) ==
    LET IsLastInvocation(h,i) == \A j \in 1..Len(h) : IsInvocation(h[j]) => j<=i
    IN /\ Len(H)>0 => IsInvocation(H[1])
       /\ \A i \in 1..Len(H) : IsInvocation(H[i]) => (IsLastInvocation(H,i) \/ Matches(H, i, i+1))
       /\ \A i \in 1..Len(H) : IsResponse(H[i]) => Matches(H,i-1,i)

Legal sequential history

The specificiation for a legal sequential history varies based on the kind of object whose behavior you are trying to model. The paper uses a queue (FIFO) as the example object being modeled.

Most of the work is done by the recursive LegalQueue function.

RECURSIVE LegalQueue(_, _)

\* Check if a history h is legal given an initial queue state q
LegalQueue(h, q) == \/ h = << >>
                    \/ LET first == Head(h)
                           rest == Tail(h)
                       IN \/ /\ first.op = "E" 
                             /\ LegalQueue(rest, Append(q, first.val))
                          \/ /\ first.op = "D"
                             /\ Len(q)>0
                             /\ first.val = Head(q)
                             /\ LegalQueue(rest, Tail(q))

IsLegalQueueHistory(h) == LegalQueue(h, << >>)

\* Given a sequential history H, true if it represents a legal queue history
IsLegal(H) == 
    LET RECURSIVE Helper(_, _)
        Helper(h, s) == IF h = << >> THEN IsLegalQueueHistory(s)
                        ELSE LET hr == Tail(Tail(h))
                                 inv == h[1]
                                 res == h[2]
                                 e == [op|->inv.op, val|-> IF inv.op = "E" THEN inv.val ELSE res.val]
                             IN Helper(hr, Append(s, e))
    IN Helper(H, <<>>)