
Graph traversal

The file defines

  • the bfs traversal of a graph
  • a function 'predicate_finder', which check if a predicate is verified by any node of the graph

The graph traversal defined here has two characteristics:

  • it is independent of the data-structure used to encode the graph. However, the graph need to implement the TransitionRelation contract.
  • it exposes 3 callbacks, that can be used to perform different action during the traversal

Besides verifying that a predicate is verified by at least a node in the graph, the function predicate_finder uses the accumulator (acc) to compute the number of nodes that have been explored during the search.


The file defines the different contracts needed. The TransitionRelation abstract class defines a multi-root graph model.


The file traversal_dictgraph implements the TransitionRelation contract for a graph represented with a dictionary.

The __main__ illustrated a simple usage pattern of the bfs traversal, to find particular nodes in the graph


The file implements an implicit graph encoding all n-bit numbers, related by a one-bit-flip relation. The graph relation is encoded in the next function of the transition relation.

Using the NBits transition relation, we can lookup numbers in the graph using the predicate_finder function, as illustrated in the __main__ part of the file.