
4 axis machine x

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hi..happy new year..!! Can you tell me please if you have post processor for 4axis machine x..??

Hey, happy new year to you too!
As far as I remember both the along X and along Y posts are in.
Am I wrong?

Well... It's been quite some time now. What I can suggest is to just swap your machine axes ... Or make a mach profile with x and y swapped. That should get you going.

Are you going to create a post processor for the x;

Most likely not. Not anytime soon for sure.
Would totally appreciate a PR though.



As far as I know last time I used this post processor it did support both x an y. In any case swapping out two letters is trivial.

There was something with a and b axes being the defaults along x and y...
angle_4x_around_y and such...
Due to my lack of time now, I cannot sit down and play with that -- hence suggesting to @mwrtis86 to just swap his machine axes and go with that.

@mwrtis86 Unless you have further questions about that, I'm closing the issue.

@biqut2, @mwrtis86 is correct -- I redid the post back in time and now only the Y version is in.