ol-kit is a React map component based in modern OpenLayers, designed to be fully integrated with React's lifecycle. ol-kit also includes utilities like buttons, toolbars and WFS-T functions.
You can read more about it at our interactive documentation here.
yarn add ol-kit
Let's create a simple map!
// Importing the library
import { Map } from "ol-kit";
import "ol-kit/dist/index.css";
// Import required OpenLayers types
import { XYZ as XYZSource } from "ol/source";
// Viewport options, according to https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_View.html#~ViewOptions
const options = {
projection: "EPSG:4326",
center: [-43.990062, -19.873536],
zoom: 6,
minZoom: 5,
maxZoom: 16
// Let's create a source for our basemap, in this case, Esri's World Imagery
const esriWorldImagerySource = new XYZSource({
// Defining the map:
function App() {
return (
<Map height={"700px"} width={"100%"}>
<Map.View options={options}></Map.View>
{/* Add a layer using your recently created source */}
<Map.Layer.Tile source={esriWorldImagerySource}></Map.Layer.Tile>
export default App;
And... voilà, your map is up and running!
You can find even more examples and help in our interactive documentation here.
react >= 16.8.0
ol >= 6.0.0
GNU GPL v3 © teofilosalgado