
Generate RELAX NG Compact Schema from RELAX NG Schema, XML Schema and DTD on Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

What's this?

This is a extension of Emacs that generate RELAX NG Compact Schema from RELAX NG Schema, XML Schema and DTD for nXML-mode.


Available Schema Format

  • RELAX NG Schema. File extention is "rng".
  • XML Schema. File extension is "xsd".
  • DTD. File extension is "dtd".

Regist include/import schema automatically

If regist the schema that has include/import, you give only the schema to the regist command.

Update/Delete/Rename schema from TypeID

Registed schema has TypeID on nXML-mode.
You can update/delete/rename schema by using TypeID.


  • Java Runtime Environment


If use package.el

2013/09/10 It's available by using melpa.

If use el-get.el

2013/05/03 Now during an application for registration in el-get.
2013/06/30 But, not yet regist.
2013/07/26 It's available. But, master branch only.

If use git command

git clone https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-genrnc.git

Then, add the directory that has genrnc.el to load-path.

Note: Installing each the following dependency is required in this case.


Download this archive and expand it.
Then, add the directory that has genrnc.el to load-path.

Note: Installing each the following dependency is required in this case.



(require 'genrnc)
(setq genrnc-user-schemas-directory "~/.emacs.d/schema")

About other customization, execute customize-group "genrnc".


This extension provides the following commands.

  • genrnc-regist-url ... Regist schema from URL.
  • genrnc-regist-file ... Regist schema from Filepath.
  • genrnc-update-user-schema ... Update schema from TypeID.
  • genrnc-delete-user-schema ... Delete schema from TypeID.
  • genrnc-rename-user-schema ... Rename schema from TypeID.
  • genrnc-clear-cache ... Do cleaning the cache about schema statement and user input.

This extension don't provide Keymap.
Then, for using above commands, do M-x genrnc-regist-url or bind key by yourself.



This extension display the following message when finished some action.

[GENRNC] Finished ...

If the schema has many include/import, The action maybe take a little time.
If the action is failed, the following message is displayed.

[GENRNC] Failed ...

The following message is displayed occasionally.

deferred error : ...

In the case, see *Messages* buffer for checking the finished message is outputed.
If the finished message is outputed, the action is finished normally.

Use schema

Do M-x rng-set-document-type-and-validate on nXML-mode.
By default, the command is bound "C-c C-s C-t".
Check the schema is listed, and select it.

Do Cleaning cache

If you retry the action when it failed, the message about relation of cache maybe is displayed.
In the case, do M-x genrnc-clear-cache.
It's no problem that you execute the command frequently.

Unknown Schema Location

In XML Schema, import element maybe don't have schemaLocation attribute.
In the case, if don't know the schema location, show the following prompt.

[GENRNC] Including not located ns:'...'. Input PATH or URL locating this: 

Then, input right URL/Filepath of the schema.

Tested On

  • Emacs ... GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2011-08-15 on GNUPACK
  • deferred.el ... 0.3.1
  • log4e.el ... 0.1
  • yaxception.el ... 0.1
