A project to map out the relations between different equational theories of Magmas.
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WRITING: Write a section of the paper describing user interfaces and visualizations
#921 opened by teorth - 3
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WRITING: Write a section or blueprint chapter on the order 5 trivial/Austin laws
#923 opened by teorth - 1
GREEDY-GREEDY HYBRID: Refute 1516->255
#820 opened by teorth - 0
Updates available but manual intervention required
#1026 opened by github-actions - 1
- 8
LINEAR-GREEDY HYBRID: Refute 1323->2744
#811 opened by teorth - 3
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- 2
FINITE: Establish 1113->1167->1096
#985 opened by teorth - 1
FINITE: Establish 467 -> 2847
#988 opened by teorth - 2
FINITE: Establish 1516 ->255
#987 opened by teorth - 1
FINITE: Refute 1076 -> 2234, 4435
#981 opened by teorth - 3
WRITING: Make a first draft of the "Automated Theorem Proving" section of the paper
#920 opened by teorth - 0
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[CI]: Add workflow for paper compilation
#989 opened by pitmonticone - 3
FINITE: Convert the Lean+Duper proofs from 467, 1133, 1167, 1441, 1443, 1681, 1701 to Lean proofs
#935 opened by teorth - 1
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- 0
- 0
FINITE: Formalize the magma cohomology approach and use it to refute implications
#968 opened by teorth - 0
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FINITE: Prove 906 -> 3862 for finite magmas
#934 opened by teorth - 2
LARGE GREEDY or GREEDY: Refute 1289 -> 3116, 4815
#937 opened by teorth - 3
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FINITE_IMPLICATIONS: Prove Lemmas 3.7 and 3.8
#809 opened by teorth - 0
WRITING: Write a section on confluent laws
#926 opened by teorth - 1
WRITING: Write a section on Higman-Neumann laws
#922 opened by teorth - 2
COMPLEX-GREEDY: Refute 1729 -> 817
#869 opened by teorth - 2
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- 2
TREE: Refute 1447 -> 1429, 4269
#832 opened by teorth - 0
Equation 47 does not imply 1518 nor 2910
#877 opened by qawbecrdtey - 4
FINITE MAGMA EXPLORER: Use the finite magma graph rather than the general magma graph to detect new refutations
#855 opened by teorth - 2
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CLI tool that takes equation list and operation table as args, and returns JSON with 1/0 for each equation
#802 opened by riccitensor - 0
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#799 opened by pitmonticone - 2
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- 2
EQUATION EXPLORER: Integrate the #741 script
#756 opened by teorth - 0
- 0
ADVANCED_GREEDY: Refute 854 -> 413
#762 opened by teorth