
Scripts to automate the process of updating wgpu in mozilla-central

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Scripts to automate the process of updating wgpu in mozilla-central.

Example usage


You will need a .moz-wgpu.toml file with information about where the various repositories are on disk. For example, mine looks like this:

github-api-token = "gh"

path = "/home/nical/dev/mozilla/mozilla-unified"
vcs = "hg"

path = "/home/nical/dev/rust/wgpu"
upstream-remote = "upstream"
trusted-reviewers = ["nical", "teoxoy", "ErichDonGubler", "jimblandy"]
latest-commit = "/home/nical/dev/mozilla/moz-wgpu-update/latest-wgpu-commit.txt"

path = "/home/nical/dev/rust/naga"
upstream-remote = "upstream"
trusted-reviewers = ["nical", "teoxoy", "ErichDonGubler", "jimblandy"]
latest-commit = "/home/nical/dev/mozilla/moz-wgpu-update/latest-naga-commit.txt"

upstream-remote is the name of the remote git will pull from (for example upstream in the command git pull upstream master) to get the latest changes. If not specified, the default is "upstream".

github-api-token is needed by the audit command. It is explained later in this document.

The script will look for the configuration file in the current folder, then in the home folder.

You can install the script like any Rust binary:

$ cargo install --path path/to/this/repository/

Or just run it form this repository's root folder. In this case, replace the beginning of the command moz-wgpu with cargo run -- in all of the examples in this document.

Updating wgpu in mozilla-central

# Update the wgpu dependencies in mozilla-central to revision 98ea3500fd2cfb4b51d5454c662d8eefd940156a
$ moz-wgpu wgpu-update --git-hash 98ea3500fd2cfb4b51d5454c662d8eefd940156a --bug 1813547


# Similar, except that `--auto` tells script to detect the latest wgpu revision from your local
# checkout's master branch. Beware! This will pull changes in wgpu's master branch.
$ moz-wgpu wgpu-update --auto --bug 1813547

Specifying the bug number is optional.

This creates 3 commits:

  • Bug 1813547 - Update wgpu to revision 98ea3500fd2cfb4b51d5454c662d8eefd940156a. r=#webgpu-reviewers
  • Bug 1813547 - Vendor wgpu changes. r=#webgpu-reviewers
  • Bug 1813547 - Vet wgpu and naga commits. r=#supply-chain-reviewers

In practice there are often going to be fixes to make along the way, causing you to re-generate the commits multiple times.

If so, you may want to pass --skip-preamble on subsequent runs. The preamble commits any uncommitted changes in mozilla-central and runs cargo vendor rust to make sure there are no unrelated crates that will be picked up later when the script vendors the wgpu changes. That takes time and there is no need to run it again as long as, on the first run, the script did not produce commit messages that start with "(Don't land)".

If you have already submitted the commits to phabricator and want to re-generate them, you'll want to make sure the new commits update the corresponding phabricator revisions. It is tedious to manually edit each commit message to add the revision marker every time they are re-generated. The script can do that for you if you pass a comma separated list of the three phabricator revision ids in their order of creation using --phab-revisions, for example:

$ moz-wpgu wgpu-update --git-hash 98ea3500fd2cfb4b51d5454c662d8eefd940156a --bug 1813547 --skip-preamble --phab-revisions "D168302,D168303,D168304"

Updating naga in wgpu

$ moz-wpgu naga-update --auto --branch "naga-up" --test

--auto will automatically detect the changes from your local naga checkout's master branch. Note that it will pull changes into your master branch. You can also use --git-hash <hash> and --semver <major.minor.patch> to update to a specific version.

--branch lets you specify the branch to write the update into. This defaults to "naga-update". Note that the branch will be re-created each time the command is run.

The Full auditting and update process

The audit command

This tool implements a script that summarizes the commits that need to be auditted.

Before running the command, you must set up a github API token so that the tool can access github's graphql API. Once you have the api token, you can add github-api-token = "<token>" in your config file. If you are using the gh command-line tool and the latter is authenticated, you can instead put github-api-token = "gh" in the config file and the tool will automatically request the token from gh.

Here is an example of using the script to gather information about wgpu commits between specific revisions and write the output into ./wgpu-commits.csv.

$ moz-wgpu audit wgpu --from c371e7039dac763b08ada0a35f6c11cd71052010 --to HEAD -o ./wgpu-commits.csv
  • --to defaults to HEAD so we don't actually need to pass it.
  • -o/--output is optional. If absent, the result will be printed to stdout.
  • If the the config file contains a path for the project's latest-commit, --from can omitted, and the script will use the latest commit hash written into a text file at the given path instead. The script will also update that file at the end.

So if you use this tool frequently, the command invocation will probably something like:

# To gather wgpu commits to audit:
$ moz-wgpu audit wgpu

# To gather naga commits to audit:
$ moz-wgpu audit naga

The output looks like this:

3435	1e27fd4afb6c9e203fa3bc096c000e3aa385de6d	Elabajaba	ErichDonGubler	nical	ErichDonGubler,nical
3338	2562f323bb4597da814d009459344e4133bd1d2c	AdrianEddy	cwfitzgerald	cwfitzgerald	
3401	c5e2f5a7b99f46b3d70fa6d05ff7d75de01a1235	Elabajaba	cwfitzgerald	cwfitzgerald	
3434	7826092d866ed624d906cebf6988be43882edaf3	Elabajaba	cwfitzgerald	cwfitzgerald	
3444	4ea31598a018cbd24b75bc10a2100b1e522fd613	cwfitzgerald		nical	nical
3446	e36c080ef8c117278533ea43f84c90f9bed7f882	crowlKats		teoxoy	teoxoy
3447	42b48ecb9ff6287ceef0c4203ffe672dffec4f2c	Elabajaba	cwfitzgerald	cwfitzgerald	
3451	6399dd486608986ca65303a26928d5ba210c4855	nical		teoxoy	teoxoy
3445	41de797c745d317e93b9cf50e7446faff7f65954	teoxoy		nical	nical

It is a csv formatted table using tabs as separator, with columns pull request, commit, author, reviewers, merger, vetted by.

This has to be appended to the wgpu-vet shared spreadsheet.

Audit commits

The script printed to stdout a csv-formatted list of commits that have to be appended to the wgpu-vet shared spreadsheet.

The spreadheet contains a "vetted by" column, and any commit that does not have a name in there must be audited. The spreadsheet generates links to the pull requests. Now is a good time to follow the links of whatever needs auditing, do the audit and add your name in the corresponding cell of the "vetted by" column.

Repeat the previous steps for naga

The audit command works the same way for wgpu and naga.

Prep mozilla-central

Nothing surprising here, we just don't want to accidentally pick up uncommitted changes, although if you forget, the tool will detect that and put it in another commit.

$ cd /path/to/mozilla-central
$ hg diff # Just checking for uncommitted changes, commit them if need be.
$ hg pull
$ hg checkout central # if you want to apply on top of a fesh revision of central.

File a bug for the update

Go to bugzilla, file a bug, write down the bug number (in our example, it's going to be 1813547).

This tool can make that a bit easier with the following command:

$ moz-wpgu bugzilla "wgpu update (Early February 2023)"

The command above produces an url with pre-filled bugzilla entries.

Adding --open directly opens the url with firefox.

Run this tool

Copy the hash that was printed to stdout at the end of the previous step with jim's scripts (in the previous example it was 41de797c745d317e93b9cf50e7446faff7f65954) as well as the bug number (example 1813547) and use it as input for this tool.

$ cd path/to/this/repository
$ moz-wpgu wgpu-update --git-hash 41de797c745d317e93b9cf50e7446faff7f65954 --bug 1813547

The bug number if optional. If absent, it just won't be in the commit messages.

If everything went well, you have 3 new commits in mozilla central:

  • Bug 1813547 - Update wgpu to revision 41de797c745d317e93b9cf50e7446faff7f65954. r=#webgpu-reviewers
  • Bug 1813547 - Vendor wgpu changes. r=#webgpu-reviewers
  • Bug 1813547 - Vet wgpu and naga commits. r=#supply-chain-reviewers

At the end, the tool printed a few instructions, typically the two tests to not forget to put in a try run.

$ cd /path/to/mozilla-central
$ hg wip # check that the commits are there

Build firefox

If you didn't pass --build to the tool.

# The mach command forwards its parameters to mach and runs it in your gecko directoty for convenience.
$ moz-wgpu mach build
# It is equivalent to:
$ cd /path/to/mozilla-central
$ ./mach build

If there are build errors, it might be that wgpu-core's API has changed. Fix the issue (hopefully all of the changes can be done in mozilla-central), and create a new commit.

You could fold these fixes into the commit Bug 1813547 - Update wgpu to revision 41de797c745d317e93b9cf50e7446faff7f65954. r=#webgpu-reviewers, only do that if you are certain you won't need to re-generate the commits.

Submit the changes for review, wait for the review and land them

The usual patch landing process (typically takes a day to get the reviews if you ask for it in the team's matrix channel).