
Large binary assets for Alkahest, such as data center files.

Alkahest Assets

This repository holds large binary assets for Alkahest, such as data center files. They are stored in the form of releases on the GitHub page.

Users will never need to download anything manually from this repository; the Alkahest command line interface will handle that.

The manifest.json file contains a list of assets along with checksums for various hash algorithms. See manifest.schema.json for how to interpret the file.

Please do not send pull requests. This repository is maintained by the core developers.


I work on open source software projects such as this one in my spare time, and make them available free of charge under permissive licenses. If you like my work and would like to support me, you might consider sponsoring me. Please only donate if you want to and have the means to do so; I want to be very clear that all open source software I write will always be available for free and you should not feel obligated to donate or pay for it in any way.