Hacktiv8 Final Project 3

Pada final project kali ini kami membuat aplikasi Toko Belanja, yang dimana pada aplikasi ini terdapat akan ada seorang admin dan banyak customer. Yang memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan proses CRUD terhadap category dan product hanyalah admin saja. Sedangkan customer hanya bisa melakukan proses pembelian product dan melihat data transaksi pembeliannya. Customer juga dapat melakuan top-up saldo untuk menambahkan saldonya.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/teramuza/hacktiv8-final3.git

Go to the project directory

  cd hacktiv8-final3

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Migrate Database

  sequelize db:migrate

you must create .env file and DB first and fill DB_DATABASE on your .env file

Start the server

  yarn start

Start the server as dev mode

  yarn serve

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

Env Key Description
APP_PORT your app running port
DB_HOST your database host running
DB_DIALECT your database dialect (e.g: postgres)
DB_USERNAME your database username
DB_PASSWORD your database user password
DB_DATABASE your database name
JWT_SECRET_KEY you can generate your own JWT_SECRET_KEY
DEV_MODE dev mode is useful for enabling logging and configuration for the deployment process (true or false)

API Reference

  • You can see our collection (postman) here
  • You can see our documentation (postman) here


  • You can access our endpoints with endpoint : https://hacktiv8-final3.herokuapp.com/api/v1/