Layers size Docker Automated build

What is it?

Mediawiki in docker container using nginx + php7-fpm

Which version?

latest tag always points to the most recent release. Tags points to specific versions, for instance 1.28.1

How to use?

Run command example:

docker run -it \
  -v /Users/teran/Downloads/data:/var/www/images \
  -v /Users/teran/Downloads/LocalSettings.php:/var/www/LocalSettings.php \
  --link=mysql \
  -p 8080:80 \

As you can see it uses volumes to provide LocalSettings data to mediawiki app. If it would be empty you'll see installation procedure. Please note, by default pictures are stored in /var/www/images which should be a persistent volume to avoid data loss. Additionaly this image will require external mysql instance (that's why --link mysql is present in example).