
Repository for keep projects used in video tutorials for Pigdev Studio

Primary LanguageGDScript

Repository for keep video tutorial files

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Video in which we talked about some tips regarding to Godot's SceneTree system, which includes:

  1. Entering and Exiting the process tree i.e. SceneTree
  2. The Process Order of the SceneTree
  3. Pausing the SceneTree i.e. pausing your game
  4. Changing between scenes and reloading the current scene
  5. Handling Groups with the SceneTree singleton

Video in which we talked about how to use basic shapes in Inkscape to design a cute fox based on Fux design

  • Rounded Rectangles for the Body
    • Limbs
    • Head
    • Torso
  • Rounded Triangles for the Ears and Nose
  • Circles for the Eyes and Tail
    • Difference and Intersection operations for the Tail

This is an introduction to the very foundations of language. We used the three laws of thinking:

  • Law of Excluded Third
  • Law of Identity
  • Law of Non contradiction

To create a simple behavior for a sprite, there's also an exercise for those that like a challenge, I'll post the resolution next week.