Video in which we talked about some tips regarding to Godot's SceneTree system, which includes:
- Entering and Exiting the process tree i.e. SceneTree
- The Process Order of the SceneTree
- Pausing the SceneTree i.e. pausing your game
- Changing between scenes and reloading the current scene
- Handling Groups with the SceneTree singleton
Video in which we talked about how to use basic shapes in Inkscape to design a cute fox based on Fux design
- Rounded Rectangles for the Body
- Limbs
- Head
- Torso
- Rounded Triangles for the Ears and Nose
- Circles for the Eyes and Tail
- Difference and Intersection operations for the Tail
This is an introduction to the very foundations of language. We used the three laws of thinking:
- Law of Excluded Third
- Law of Identity
- Law of Non contradiction
To create a simple behavior for a sprite, there's also an exercise for those that like a challenge, I'll post the resolution next week.