
Reads in a PNG image and converts it to a table

Primary LanguageR

Template R operator

The Template R operator is a template repository for the creation of R operators in Tercen. An overview of steps for developing an operator are:

  1. create a github repo
  2. install tercen_studio
  3. login to tercen_studio
  4. git clone the newly created repo
  5. start developing in R in tercen_studio
  6. add R packages to the repo
  7. push to the github repo
  8. go to tercen and install the operator

More information can be found in Tercen app builder's guide.

Below is the operator README standard structure:


The Template R operator is a template repository for the creation of R operators in Tercen.

Input projection .
x-axis type, description
y-axis type, description
row type, description
column type, description
colors type, description
labels type, description
Input parameters .
input_var parameter description
Output relations .
output_var output relation
Operator view view of the Shiny application

Details on the computation.

See Also

template_shiny_operator , template_docker_operator