
Performs QC on scRNA-seq data using the Seurat Bioconductor package

Primary LanguageR

scRNA-seq QC


scRNA-seq QC performs quality-control on single-cell RNA-seq count data and returns the counts of the filtered cells and genes.

Input projection .
y-axis numeric, count data
columns character, cell ID or name
rows character, gene name
Output relations .
percent_mt numeric, percent counts mapping to mitochondrial genes per cell
nCount_RNA numeric, total counts per cell
nFeature_RNA numeric, number of features (genes) detected per cell

The operator uses the Seurat R package and the QC workflow described in the "package website".


Hao, Y., Hao, S., Andersen-Nissen, E., Mauck, W. M., Zheng, S., Butler, A., ... & Satija, R. (2021). Integrated analysis of multimodal single-cell data. Cell, 184(13), 3573-3587.

Link to Seurat reference