
Python Client for Tercen

Primary LanguagePython

Python Client

Python 3.9 implementation of the Tercen API and context.

API Reference

Generate depencies

  python3 -m tercen.util.requirements PATH > requirements.txt
  E.g.: python3 -m tercen.util.requirements ./tercen > requirements.txt
Parameter Type Description
PATH string Required. Module path for which to generate dependencies

Create Tercen Context

  from tercen.client import context as ctx

  tercenCtx = ctx.TercenContext()  # OR
  tercenCtx = ctx.TercenContext(workflowId='WORKFLOW_ID',
Parameter Type
workflowId string
stepId string

Save operator results for Development

    df = calc_mean(data)
    df = tercenCtx.add_namespace(df) 
    resDf = tercenCtx.save_dev(df)

tercenContext.save_dev is functionally identical to tercenContext.save, but it returns the computed table so it can be used in tests.

WorkflowBuilder Class

The WorkflowBuilder provide functions to easily create workflows and steps programmatically using the TercenAPI.

Create Workflow
    import tercen.util.builder as bld

    wkfBuilder = bld.WorkflowBuilder()
    wkfBuilder.create_workflow( 'PROJECT_NAME', 'WORKFLOW_NAME')

If a project matching the name does not exist, one will be created. The same is valid for the workflow.

Add a table step
    wkfBuilder.add_table_step( DATA )  #OR
    wkfBuilder.add_table_step( DATA_PATH )  

Creates a table step with the provided data.

Add a data step
    wkfBuilder.add_data_step(yAxis={"name":"Procedure.Hip Knee.Cost", "type":"double"}, 
                            columns=[{"name":"Rating.Imaging", "type":"string"}],
                            rows=[{"name":"Rating.Effectiveness", "type":"string"}],
                            labels=[{"name":"Facility.Name", "type":"string"}],
                            colors=[{"name":"Facility.Type", "type":"string"}])

Creates a data step with the specified projection and links it to the table step.


  • Save relations and table lists

  • Add support for multiple workflow steps in the WorkflowBuilder

  • Add support for installing and running operators in the WorkflowBuilder

See Also

teRcenAPI , teRcen , teRcenHttp , simple python operator