
monitor what is going on . first step bull-board

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a test setup for using bull-board with bullmq.

It connects to a redis server, creates some queues spin up a webserver that display the Bull Dashboard. Making it simple for you to test how BullMQ and Bull Dashboard works.

Why I made it: I wanted to test BullMQ and Bull Dashboard and could not find any ready to use docker image that enabled me to play around with it.


  • Sets up a webserver with express that run Bull Dashboard on port 3000
  • Simple backend that list queues /listQueues
  • Simple frontend that query /listQueues and display the result in a table
  • jest tests for the backend, frontend and worker
  • vscode debug configuration for the backend, frontend and worker
  • webpack configuration for the frontend
  • typescript configuration for the backend, frontend and worker
  • several build scripts for creating and testing it running in docker

commands / scripts

see the file package.json for all the commands in the scripts section

for testing and building

yarn build - builds the backend, frontend and worker yarn serve - starts the backend, frontend yarn queue:add - adds a job to the queue see http://localhost:3000/admin/queues yarn queue:worker - starts the worker that process the jobs in the queue

for development

yarn test - runs the tests

to run in docker


just testing it out

TODO: write how to clone and just run the thing

displaying the dashboard

go to http://localhost:3000

Se below how to define queues.

adding jobs to the test queue

In a terminal run the command (server must be running)

yarn queue:add

It will add a job to the queue "urbalurba-test" with test data

In the dashboard you should see the job added to the queue.

processing the jobs

To process the jobs in the queue run the command

yarn queue:worker

It will print the following on the console

Processing job with ID: 8 and data: { message: 'hello world' }
Processed text: undefined
Job with ID 8 completed!

development starting point

It sets up a dev environment with webpack and typescript. It uses jest for testing.

debugging using vscode

debugging the backend

After building the backend. You start the server with the command

yarn servedebug

This starts up debugging on port 9293. In the debugger select the configuration "Debug backend"

Testing using jest

Run the tests using jest

yarn test 

configuring the tests

in the file jest.config.js you can configure the tests The tests are in the folder tests inside the backend, frontend and worker folders. This is a description on how the frontent tests if the backend serves the json data at /listQueues

enpointsworking.test.ts is the test file

  it('should check if listQueues json is returned', async () => {
    // Add the baseURL to your fetch call
    const response = await fetch(`${baseURL}/listQueues`);
    const queues = await response.json();

debugging using vscode




Define queues

In the simplest form these are set in the file src/worker/getQueueNames.ts You can extend this to read from a database or other source.

There is a queue added to the list of defined queies that is used for testing. const URBALURBA_TEST_QUEUE = process.env.URBALURBA_TEST_QUEUE || 'urbalurba-test';


Useful documentation and links

https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-handle-asynchronous-tasks-with-node-js-and-bullmq https://roluquec.medium.com/job-queuing-101-start-using-bull-in-your-node-js-project-part-i-2be3ef36a42d