Japanese for click, Kuritsuku is a Web-Service-Framework inspired by Apache-Click, JBoss RestEasy and Jodd Web-MVC.


  • Class/Method Routing is specified via Annotations.

  • important Objects (Context, Parameter, Header, ...) can be Injected via Annotations.

  • Response handling can be done Servlet-Style (directly), or delegated to ResponseAction implementations.

  • includes abstraction/provider for plugable Template Engines.

    • Apache Velocity
    • FreeMarker
  • includes abstraction/adapter for plugable HTTP Server Engines.

    • Servlet API
    • JDK Http Server
    • JBoss Undertow
    • SimpleFramework Http Service
  • includes handler/helper for ease of implementing standardized webservices

    • json-rpc (via jsonrpc4j -- 1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
    • xmlrpc2 aka Frontier RPC (via Redstone XMLRPC)
    • rest/json (currently not implemented -- JSON-B?)
    • rest/xml (currently not implemented -- JAX-B?)
    • soap (currently not implemented -- kSoap2? SAAJ/JAX-B?)