
Update a 2 dimensional array into Google Sheets (Spreadsheets). You can also get back the Spreadsheets in array or csv format.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Array To Google Sheets

NPM version build status Test coverage

Update a 2 dimensional array into Google Sheets (Spreadsheets). You can also get back data in array or csv. The library is build with Google Sheets API v4.


  • Tested with huge amount of data (10000 rows x 100 columns) and optimized memory usage.
  • Support generating formula
    • {formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 1}, {row: 1, col: 3}]}
    • equivalent to =sum(A1:C1)
  • Get Spreadsheets data in array or csv format
  • Can handle multiple sheet
  • Can update single row and single
  • An experiment feature of converting the sheet as array object


import {ArrayToGoogleSheets, IUpdateOptions} from "array-to-google-sheets"; // typescript

async function simple() {
  const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
  // https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/[ID]
  const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("ID");
  await spreadsheet.updateSheet("sheetName", [[1, 2, 3]]);

async function auth() {
  // https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-auth-library
  const googleSheets1 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
  const googleSheets2 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({credentials: {client_email: "", private_key: ""}});

  // oauth
  const googleSheets3 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({oAuthCredentials: {access_token: ""}});
  const googleSheets4 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({oAuthCredentials: {refresh_token: ""}, oauthClientOptions: {clientId: "", clientSecret: ""}});

async function advance() {
  const spreadsheetId = "";
  const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
  const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet(spreadsheetId);
  const {spreadsheetUrl, properties} = spreadsheet;
  const {title, locale, timeZone, defaultFormat} = properties;

  // find and delete
  const sheetName = "sheetName";
  const sheet = await spreadsheet.findSheet(sheetName);
  if (sheet) {
    const result = await sheet.delete();

  // get sheet again
  const newSheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet(sheetName);
  const url = newSheet.getUrl();

  //  update
  const values1 = [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [1.1, 2.2, -3.33],
    ["abc", "cde", "xyz"],
  const updateOptions: IUpdateOptions = {
    minRow: 3, // styling
    minColumn: 3, // styling
    margin: 2,  // styling
    fitToSize: true,  // remove empty cells
    clearAllValues: true, // clear all existing values
  const updateResult1 = await newSheet.update(values1, updateOptions);
  const resultValues1 = await newSheet.getValues();

  // export into csv
  await newSheet.exportAsCsv("data.csv");

async function updateRowsAndCells() {
  // expand the sheet size first if u have many rows
  const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
  const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("spreadsheetId");
  const sheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet("sheetName");

  // we have to make sure we have enough grids
  await sheet.resize(10, 10);

  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    await sheet.updateRow(i, [1, 2, 3]);
    await sheet.updateCell(i, i, 1);


Every Google Sheets has a unique key in the URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{spreadsheetId}/

KeyFilename / Service Account

  • Create a Google Cloud Project
  • Create Service Account
    • Service account details > Choose any service account name > CREATE
    • Grant this service account access to project > CONTINUE
    • Grant users access to this service account ( > CREATE KEY
    • Save the key file into your project
  • Enable Drive API & Google Sheets API
    • APIs and Services > Enable APIS AND SERVICES
    • Search Google Drive API > Enable
    • Search Google Sheets API > Enable
  • Enable Google Sheets API
  • Open the JSON key file, you will find an email xxx@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com.
  • Go to your Google Spreadsheets and shared the edit permission to the email address.

Formula Example

let values = [
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 1}, {row: 1, col: 3}]}], 
    // =sum(A1:C1)
    [{formula: '=%1/50', cells: [{row: 1, col: 3}]}], 
    // =C1/50
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 'this', col: 1}, {row: 'this', col: 3}]}], 
    // =sum(A3:C3)
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 'this'}, {row: 3, col: 'this'}]}],
     // =sum(A1:A3);
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 0}, {row: 1, col: 0}]}], 
    // =sum(1:1);
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1}, {row: 1}]}], 
    // =sum(1:1);
    [{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 0, col: 2}, {row: 0, col: 2}]}] 
    // =sum(B:B);

Experiment Object Sheet Feature

async function experimentalObjectSheet() {
    const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
    const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("spreadsheetId");
    const sheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet("sheetName");

    const values = [
        ["value1", "value2/string", "value3/number", "value4/boolean", "value5/date", "value6/number[]", "value7/string[]", "value8/ignore"],
        ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"],
    await sheet.update(values, {clearAllValues: true, margin: 2});

    type IObject = {value1: string; value2: string; value3: number; value4: boolean; value5: Date; value6: number[]; value7: string[]};
    const objectSheet = await sheet.exportAsObjectSheet<IObject>();
    const type = objectSheet.getType();

    // this can print the type IObject
    console.log("typescript", type);

    // get data as object
    for (let i = 0; i < objectSheet.length; i++) {
        const item = objectSheet.get(i);
        item.value1 = "key" + i;
        item.value2 = "value" + i;
        item.value3 = Math.random();
        item.value4 = true;
        item.value5 = new Date();
        item.value6 = [i, 1, 2, Math.random()];
        item.value7 = [i.toString(), "a", "b", "c"];
        await item.save();
value1 value2/string value3/number value4/boolean value5/date value6/number[] value7/string[] value8/ignore
key0 value0 0.7238840059 TRUE 2020-03-03T05:41:02.926Z 0, 1, 2, 0.865 0, a, b, c 8
key1 value1 0.2963643265 FALSE 2020-03-03T05:41:03.149Z 1, 1, 2, 0.995 1, a, b, c 8

The above table will be converted as:

async function sheetObject() {
    interface IObject {value1: string; value2: string; value3: number; value4: boolean; value5: Date; value6: number[]; value7: string[];}
    const objectSheet = await sheet.exportAsObjectSheet<IObject>();
    // generate the above IObject 
    const objectInterface = objectSheet.getInterface();
    const {headers, size, rawValues, rawHeaders} = objectSheet;
    const firstItem = objectSheet.get(0);

    // iterator
    for (const item of objectSheet) {
        item.value1 = "new Value";
        // this will only update the changed cell values to minimize modifing the original values as much as possible
        await item.save();

   const findItem = objectSheet.toArray().find(x => x.value1 === "key");
    const objects = objectSheet.toObjects();
    // add new item
    const newItem = await objectSheet.append({} as any);
    // you have to manage the sheet size yourself in case of error
    await sheet.resize(100, 100);
    value1: 'key0',
    value2: 'value0',
    value3: 0.7238840059,
    value4: true,
    value5: 2020-03-03T05:41:02.926Z
    value6: [ 0, 1, 2, 0.865 ],
    value7: [ '0', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
    value1: 'key1',
    value2: 'value1',
    value3: 0.2963643265,
    value4: false,
    value5: 2020-03-03T05:41:03.149Z
    value6: [ 1, 1, 2, 0.995 ],
    value7: [ '1', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
