Update a 2 dimensional array into Google Sheets (Spreadsheets). You can also get back data in array or csv. The library is build with Google Sheets API v4.
- Tested with huge amount of data (10000 rows x 100 columns) and optimized memory usage.
- Support generating formula
- {formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 1}, {row: 1, col: 3}]}
- equivalent to =sum(A1:C1)
- Get Spreadsheets data in array or csv format
- Can handle multiple sheet
- Can update single row and single
- An experiment feature of converting the sheet as array object
import {ArrayToGoogleSheets, IUpdateOptions} from "array-to-google-sheets"; // typescript
async function simple() {
const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/[ID]
const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("ID");
await spreadsheet.updateSheet("sheetName", [[1, 2, 3]]);
async function auth() {
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-auth-library
const googleSheets1 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
const googleSheets2 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({credentials: {client_email: "", private_key: ""}});
// oauth
const googleSheets3 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({oAuthCredentials: {access_token: ""}});
const googleSheets4 = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({oAuthCredentials: {refresh_token: ""}, oauthClientOptions: {clientId: "", clientSecret: ""}});
async function advance() {
const spreadsheetId = "";
const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet(spreadsheetId);
const {spreadsheetUrl, properties} = spreadsheet;
const {title, locale, timeZone, defaultFormat} = properties;
// find and delete
const sheetName = "sheetName";
const sheet = await spreadsheet.findSheet(sheetName);
if (sheet) {
const result = await sheet.delete();
// get sheet again
const newSheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet(sheetName);
const url = newSheet.getUrl();
// update
const values1 = [
[1, 2, 3],
[1.1, 2.2, -3.33],
["abc", "cde", "xyz"],
const updateOptions: IUpdateOptions = {
minRow: 3, // styling
minColumn: 3, // styling
margin: 2, // styling
fitToSize: true, // remove empty cells
clearAllValues: true, // clear all existing values
const updateResult1 = await newSheet.update(values1, updateOptions);
const resultValues1 = await newSheet.getValues();
// export into csv
await newSheet.exportAsCsv("data.csv");
async function updateRowsAndCells() {
// expand the sheet size first if u have many rows
const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("spreadsheetId");
const sheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet("sheetName");
// we have to make sure we have enough grids
await sheet.resize(10, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await sheet.updateRow(i, [1, 2, 3]);
await sheet.updateCell(i, i, 1);
Every Google Sheets has a unique key in the URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{spreadsheetId}/
- Create a Google Cloud Project
- Create Service Account
- Service account details > Choose any service account name > CREATE
- Grant this service account access to project > CONTINUE
- Grant users access to this service account ( > CREATE KEY
- Save the key file into your project
- Enable Drive API & Google Sheets API
- APIs and Services > Enable APIS AND SERVICES
- Search Google Drive API > Enable
- Search Google Sheets API > Enable
- Enable Google Sheets API
- Open the JSON key file, you will find an email xxx@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com.
- Go to your Google Spreadsheets and shared the edit permission to the email address.
let values = [
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 1}, {row: 1, col: 3}]}],
// =sum(A1:C1)
[{formula: '=%1/50', cells: [{row: 1, col: 3}]}],
// =C1/50
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 'this', col: 1}, {row: 'this', col: 3}]}],
// =sum(A3:C3)
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 'this'}, {row: 3, col: 'this'}]}],
// =sum(A1:A3);
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1, col: 0}, {row: 1, col: 0}]}],
// =sum(1:1);
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 1}, {row: 1}]}],
// =sum(1:1);
[{formula: '=sum(%1:%2)', cells: [{row: 0, col: 2}, {row: 0, col: 2}]}]
// =sum(B:B);
async function experimentalObjectSheet() {
const googleSheets = new ArrayToGoogleSheets({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
const spreadsheet = await googleSheets.getSpreadsheet("spreadsheetId");
const sheet = await spreadsheet.findOrCreateSheet("sheetName");
const values = [
["value1", "value2/string", "value3/number", "value4/boolean", "value5/date", "value6/number[]", "value7/string[]", "value8/ignore"],
["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"],
await sheet.update(values, {clearAllValues: true, margin: 2});
type IObject = {value1: string; value2: string; value3: number; value4: boolean; value5: Date; value6: number[]; value7: string[]};
const objectSheet = await sheet.exportAsObjectSheet<IObject>();
const type = objectSheet.getType();
// this can print the type IObject
console.log("typescript", type);
// get data as object
for (let i = 0; i < objectSheet.length; i++) {
const item = objectSheet.get(i);
item.value1 = "key" + i;
item.value2 = "value" + i;
item.value3 = Math.random();
item.value4 = true;
item.value5 = new Date();
item.value6 = [i, 1, 2, Math.random()];
item.value7 = [i.toString(), "a", "b", "c"];
await item.save();
value1 | value2/string | value3/number | value4/boolean | value5/date | value6/number[] | value7/string[] | value8/ignore |
key0 | value0 | 0.7238840059 | TRUE | 2020-03-03T05:41:02.926Z | 0, 1, 2, 0.865 | 0, a, b, c | 8 |
key1 | value1 | 0.2963643265 | FALSE | 2020-03-03T05:41:03.149Z | 1, 1, 2, 0.995 | 1, a, b, c | 8 |
The above table will be converted as:
async function sheetObject() {
interface IObject {value1: string; value2: string; value3: number; value4: boolean; value5: Date; value6: number[]; value7: string[];}
const objectSheet = await sheet.exportAsObjectSheet<IObject>();
// generate the above IObject
const objectInterface = objectSheet.getInterface();
const {headers, size, rawValues, rawHeaders} = objectSheet;
const firstItem = objectSheet.get(0);
// iterator
for (const item of objectSheet) {
item.value1 = "new Value";
// this will only update the changed cell values to minimize modifing the original values as much as possible
await item.save();
const findItem = objectSheet.toArray().find(x => x.value1 === "key");
const objects = objectSheet.toObjects();
// add new item
const newItem = await objectSheet.append({} as any);
// you have to manage the sheet size yourself in case of error
await sheet.resize(100, 100);
value1: 'key0',
value2: 'value0',
value3: 0.7238840059,
value4: true,
value5: 2020-03-03T05:41:02.926Z
value6: [ 0, 1, 2, 0.865 ],
value7: [ '0', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
value1: 'key1',
value2: 'value1',
value3: 0.2963643265,
value4: false,
value5: 2020-03-03T05:41:03.149Z
value6: [ 1, 1, 2, 0.995 ],
value7: [ '1', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]