
Convenient Python modules and wrapping executable scripts.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

pydass_vasp (or, badass wasp)

Convenient Python modules and wrapping script executables.

Example: plotting band structure
pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_bs(plot=True, ylim=[-4,6])


Returned dictionary:

{'data': {'columns': ['k_points', 
              'band_1', 'band_2', 'band_3', 'band_4', 'band_5', 'band_6', 'band_7', 'band_8', 
              'band_9', 'band_10', 'band_11', 'band_12', 'band_13', 'band_14', 'band_15', 'band_16', 
              'band_17', 'band_18', 'band_19', 'band_20', 'band_21', 'band_22', 'band_23', 'band_24', 
              'band_25', 'band_26', 'band_27', 'band_28', 'band_29', 'band_30', 'band_31', 'band_32'],
          'data': array(
            [[  0.        , -20.342219  , -16.616756  , ...,   5.849101  ,
                5.855091  ,   6.074841  ],
             [  0.04558028, -20.342181  , -16.616823  , ...,   5.811826  ,
                5.815311  ,   6.060851  ],
             [  0.09116057, -20.34223   , -16.617067  , ...,   5.730248  ,
                5.734556  ,   5.80481   ],
             [  2.49869989, -20.343194  , -16.628521  , ...,   5.172637  ,
                5.204402  ,   5.711173  ],
             [  2.53591604, -20.343228  , -16.6286    , ...,   5.219897  ,
                5.226956  ,   5.730676  ],
             [  2.57313218, -20.34319   , -16.628622  , ...,   5.234177  ,
                5.234205  ,   5.726715  ]])},
 'reciprocal_point_locations': array([ 0.        ,  0.8660254 ,  1.3660254 ,  1.8660254 ,  2.57313218]),
 'reciprocal_point_labels': ['R', 'G', 'X', 'M', 'G'],
 'ax': <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x108b95110>}
Example: plotting total density of states with spin polarization
pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_tdos(plot=True, xlim=[-15, 15], ylim_upper=40)



Returned dictionary:

{'ax_spin_combined': <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x108b95110>,
 'ax_spin_overlapping': <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b0f5fd0>,
 'data_spin_down': {'columns': ['E', 'tot_down', 'tot_integrated_down'],
  'data': array([[-22.63140452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [-22.60640452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [-22.58040452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [ 15.05159548,   0.        ,  56.        ],
                 [ 15.07659548,   0.        ,  56.        ],
                 [ 15.10159548,   0.        ,  56.        ]])},
 'data_spin_up': {'columns': ['E', 'tot_up', 'tot_integrated_up'],
  'data': array([[-22.63140452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [-22.60640452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [-22.58040452,   0.        ,   0.        ],
                 [ 15.05159548,   0.        ,  56.        ],
                 [ 15.07659548,   0.        ,  56.        ],
                 [ 15.10159548,   0.        ,  56.        ]])}}

What is it?

This Python package is the result of frustration of searching for an organized, straightforward and flexible approach of plotting and fitting of VASP files in a few key strokes as long as you have a terminal, and preferably a (S)FTP client. It has the following features:

  • It is a Python package with a straightforward structure. When you import pydass_vasp, you have sub-packages pydass_vasp.electronic_structure, pydass_vasp.fitting, each containing a few functions to carry out your tasks, with a careful selection of options to choose from. Return values are Python dictionaries, informative enough to be flexible for post-processing. When there is no need for an object, don't bother creating one.

  • It also has scripts that utilize the main package. They are simply 'wrappers' to the functions that are used the most frequently, typically electronic_structure and fitting functions. Instead of cding into a directory and launching the Python interpreter python, making the imports and calling the functions, you just need to stay in your terminal shell and type plot_tdos.py to plot the total density of states (DOS), plot_ldos.py 1 to plot the local projected DOS of the first atom, and plot_bs.py to plot the band structure. These scripts accept arguments and options as flexible as their function counterparts.

  • The defaults of the functions and wrapping scripts are sane and cater to the most use cases. For example, If you are in a Python interpreter, simply typing in pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_tdos() will collect data to plot from DOSCAR and parameters necessary under the current VASP job directory, plot one figure or more, and at the same time return a dictionary with the extracted data and the figure axes handles. It'll automatically obtain critical parameters such as ISPIN, E-fermi first from VASP output files (e.g. OUTCAR), then input files (e.g. INCAR) if the first attempt fails, and decide the number of figures to generate. But, it does not plt.show (matplotlib function) it, so you can have final control before actually showing them, or save them and close. This is especially useful when you are working in non-interactive mode. If you are just in a terminal shell, typing in the script plot_tdos.py -s DOS.pdf will do the same, but rather than show the figures, instead, save them quietly using matplotlib's Agg backend. This would be particularly helpful for terminal users who don't have X Window forwarding (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac OS X) set up on their own local machine, or the forwarding connection is slow to hold the live generated figures.

  • The options to the functions and wrapping scripts provide you with room of customization from the beginning. For example, the internal documentation of pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_tdos() looks like below.

    # see the docstring
    # in IPython interpreter
    # or in regular python interpreter
      Plot the total density of states, with consideration of spin-polarization.
      Accepts file type 'DOSCAR', or 'vasprun.xml'.
      filepath: string
          filepath, default to 'DOSCAR'
          For DOSCAR-type file, can be any string containing 'DOSCAR'.
          For vasprun.xml-type file, can be any string ending with '.xml'.
      ISPIN: int
          user specified ISPIN
          If not given, for DOSCAR-type file, infer from 'OUTCAR'/'INCAR'.
      Ef: float
          user specified Ef
      plot: bool
          whether to plot the data, default to False
      xlim: list
          the range of x-axis, 2 values in a list
      ylim_upper: int/float
          the upper limit of y-axis(, of the spin-combined plot if ISPIN == 2)
      on_figs: list/int
          the current figure numbers to plot to, default to new figures
      a dict, containing
          'data': a pandas dataframe
          'ax': the axes reference
  • The returned dictionary also leave room for adjustments. Take pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_tdos() as an example.

    returned_dict = {		
    	'data': dataframe
    	'ax': ax

    returned_dict['data'] has a pandas dataframe.

    returned_dict['ax'] is the matplotlib axes reference. When ISPIN is 2, they are two elements: 'ax_spin_up' and 'ax_spin_down'.

  • It has a uniform plotting support for the Crystal Orbital Hamilton Populations (COHP) and Crystal Orbital Overlap Populations (COOP) analysis tool LOBSTER, function pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_lobster() and script plot_lobster.py.

  • If you use matplotlib >= 1.4, and you plot with the wrapping scripts, you can optionally enjoy the aesthetic enhancement powered by its newly added sub-package style. For example, plot_tdos.py -t ggplot switches on the style of ggplot. Read the stylesheet guide for more info, including designing and loading your own styles.

More on options

As an example, we again consider pydass_vasp.electronic_structure.get_tdos(), shortened as get_tdos().

get_tdos(filepath='vasprun.xml') switches from taking in DOSCAR to vasprun.xml. It lets you select what file you prefer to use. Any filename containing 'DOSCAR' is considered to be of DOSCAR type, any filename ending with '.xml' is considered to be of vasprun.xml type.

get_tdos(ISPIN=2) lets you manually override the auto-detection of ISPIN from files other than DOSCAR. The program will skip the corresponding part of work. This is helpful when you only have the major data file DOSCAR transferred to you local machine, and do not have the other files necessary to extract the parameters to proceed plotting. To leave no confusion, when ISPIN is 2, two figures are generated, one with spin up and down combined, the other with two overlapping curves, denoting spin up and spin down separately.

get_tdos(on_figs=1) creates the plot on top of an existing matplotlib figure labeled as Figure 1, instead of generating a whole new one.

get_tdos(on_figs=[1,2]) when ISPIN is 2 puts the two plots mentioned before onto Figure 1 and Figure 2. get_tdos(on_figs=[1,None]) is also valid, meaning putting the combined curve to Figure 1, and the two overlapping curves to a new figure, which you can of course delete on its own.

The wrapping script plot_tdos.py accepts the relevant options in the form of -i vasprun.xml and -s. For more readily available information, type in plot_tdos.py -h to get help directly from the terminal shell.


  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • IPython (optional, but better to have)

I highly recommend every scientist/researcher who is new to Python to install the scientific superpack Anaconda, if you are using Windows or Mac OS X. Even if you are on Linux, it is still highly recommended if you don't have superuser control over the machine to install packages freely. It is often the case when you have ssh access to a supercomputer. In all these cases, just download the package and do a simple local installation, and you already have everything to start with, not only for pydass_vasp, but also for the whole adventure of scientific computing.


If you have pip, which is a must have, and should already have been included in Anaconda,

pip install git+https://github.com/terencezl/pydass_vasp

To uninstall,

pip uninstall pydass_vasp

To install a newer version, use the -U tag, but you might not want to update all the dependencies, so maybe just uninstall pydass_vasp and then reinstall it.

Getting Help

An organized tutorial/documentation has not been ready yet, but the docstrings of functions are fairly complete. If you use IPython, which is also a must have, and should already have been included in Anaconda,

import pydass_vasp

# in IPython interpreter

# or in regular python interpreter

You will get help. Experiment on a few options and you'll be quickly on your way.

In addition, the help texts of scripts (option -h when you call them in the terminal shell) are available as well.