
The goal of this project is to solve the dining philosoperhs problem, implementing a multithreding solution:

N philosophers are sitting at a round table and eating. A fork is placed between every 2 philosophers, and each one of them repeats the actions eating ➔ sleeping ➔ thinking.


./philo <N> <time_die> <time_eat> <time_sleep> [<nb_meals>]
KEY Parameter
N number of philos / number of forks
time_die time that a philo can spend withou eating
time_eat time of a meal
time_sleep time of a nap
nb_meals number of times every philo has to eat to stop the simulation

If nb_meals is not specified, the simuation stops when a philo dies. If a philo spends more than time_eat without eating, he dies.


  • Philos eat, sleep or think alternatively. Meaning that they can't do two actions at the same time.
  • There are many forks as philos
  • Eating takes two forks (left and right fork of each philo)
  • When the meal ends, the philo puts both forks in the table and starts sleeping
  • Philos need to eat and should never starve
  • Philo number N sits between philos N-1 and N+1 (except for the first and last, that sit side by side)
  • State changes of every philo should be display as followed: <timestamp> N <action>

Also, each philo should be a thread. To prevent philos from duplicating forks, the forks state should be protected with a mutex for each of them.
