raw2temp - convert raw thermal values to temperature

The purpose of this script is to convert raw thermal values obtained from a thermal camera into temperature values in °C using the package ThermImage for R. For further info please visit gtatters/ThermimageCalibration.

Getting started

You will need to download two packages from CRAN repository: ThermImage and fields and ExifTool.


Downloading ExifTool

On https://exiftool.org. download the Windows Executable 'exitool(-k).exe', 
rename it to 'exiftool.exe' and move it to Windows root (C://Windows).

Install R packages



Set working directory

wd <- setwd("patj-to-wd)

Start the counter

n <- 0

Loop through list of images and convert them to CSV, the default separator is semi-colon (;).

If Exiftool is installed in Windows root leave "installed" otherwise exiftoolpath = "path-to-exiftool". The CSV output name created is "name_RT.csv".

for (file in jpg_list){
  n <- n + 1
  strip_extension <- str_remove(file, ".jpg") #remove JPG extension from each image
  img <- readflirJPG(file, exiftoolpath = "installed") #read each image by exiftool
  write.csv(img, paste(wd, "/", strip_extension, "_RT", ".csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE) #create a CSV file from each JPG file with original name and _RT (raw temperature) extension

Import raw temperature CSVs

raw_temp_csv <- list.files(path = wd, pattern = "_RT.csv")

Loop through raw temperature CSVs and convert each one to temperature using raw2temp function from ThermImage.

The CSV file is converted to matrix and the result is rounded to two desimal places. The name of the final output is "name_temp.csv" as the "_RT" from previous file is removed.

for (file in raw_temp_csv){
  raw_csv <- read.csv(file)
  temp <- round(raw2temp(as.matrix(raw_csv), E=0.95, OD=1, RTemp=20, ATemp=20, IRWTemp=20, IRT=0.96, RH=50, 
                   PR1=21106.77, PB=1501, PF=1, PO=-7340, PR2=0.012545258),digits=2) #round to 2 decimals
  strip_RT <- str_remove(file, "_RT.csv") #strip csv extension
  write.csv(temp, paste(strip_RT,"_temp",".csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE) #write temperature data