
Master Repo for our hack make the bank team. Web app which rates travel destinations by financial availability.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Master Repo for our hack make the bank team. Web app which rates travel destinations by financial availability.

##Usage Instructions

  • After you make local changes in your folder: 0. git add . for everything or git add {filename} 0. git commit -m "{your message}" 0. git push to update you fork
  • To submit changes from your fork: 0. Click green pull request button 0. Submit pull request
  • To update your local fork from my master repo: 0. git fetch upstream 0. git merge upstream/master this will update your folder to my master repo 0. git push to push the updates to your github fork
  • To run java from php (works on henriks mac in browser): 0. $var = shell_exec("/usr/bin/java Classname 2>&1"); //or equvalent