I've long since switched to Emacs + Evil Mode instead of Vim because I wanted to leverage Emacs plugin ecosystem and be able to write extensions in Lisp. Thus, while I still use Vim/This configuration for any terminal based editing, I'm not actively updating this configuration anymore. It is working fine for my use cases. This also means there'll be no updates, extensions, anymore. Several people forked this repo and are actively extending it. Have a look at the network to see the forks and use them instead.
This exists mostly, so that I can easily clone it onto any machine I'm working on and so that all my machines same the same set of behaviours.
The bundle is optimized, or will continiously optimized, for the following languages / use cases:
- Objective-C iOS / Mac
- Python (Mostly scripts, but also some Django)
- HTML / CSS / Javascript / JSON
It also contains a lot of plugins to make life in vim easier (like easymotion). There're also several configuration options that I've collected over the years from various sources and can't really attribute anymore. The most important of these requires a seperate block (see below under emacs bindings).
It is based upon a lot of vundle plugins. Also, it is still very much a work in progress. So it needs a couple of command line calls before one can use it:
# Get it from Github
git clone git://github.com/terhechte/VimConfiguration.git
# Link the .vimrc file into your ~home folder.
ln -s VimConfiguration/vimrc .vimrc
# Link the folder to .Vim
ln -s VimConfiguration .vim
# Enter the folder, and check out the git modules
cd VimConfiguration
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Tell vundle to download / update all available packages
vim +BundleInstall +qall
Next, you should also download and instlall a patched version of your favorite programming font, to be used with vim-powerline (https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline). You can choose one here: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline/wiki/Patched-fonts
There's an updated programming font in this bundle. It is a copy of the fantastic Adobe Source Code Pro font with a special modification: Vertical lines appear like one long line instead of looking dashed. This alone makes Vim (especially MacVim) much more pleasant to look at.
Finally, this repository also contains my own .bashrc / .bashprofile with my own set of useful functions and more. You probably don't want to install this, since it's suited to the locations where I installed some software. Nevertheless, have a look in there to see if there's something interesting for you.
The setup has the following shortcuts:
Toggle the nerd tree
Toggle the TagBar
Toggle Whitespace
Remove current search highlight
To switch between the 2 last buffers
Toggle commenting the currently selected block or current line
Switch to the directory of the current buffer
,q gqip
Imitates TextMates Ctrl+Q function to re-hardwrap paragraphs of text
Reselect the text that was just pasted
EasyMotion command. I.e. ,,w will do easymotion with the w motion command (just try it).
(In Insert mode) toggle Sparkup
I've been using Mac OS X for almost 10 years now. All input fields in Mac OS X support the basic Emacs movement mechanisms to move around text, like cmd+e (end of line), cmd+a (beginning of line), cmd+f (next character), cmd+b (prevoius character). So these movements are by now deeply engrained in my text movement habits, especially when I'm writing (read, Insert-Mode). Something I really never liked about Vim was that it required me to leave insert mode for short text movements, like going to the end of the current line, or even going one character back. So I've long sought a way to activate the Emacs movement bindings for the Vim Insert-Mode. My Vim config supports this, without any additional plugins. Just the basic Emacs bindings are supported, nothing more:
- cmd+f: Move one character forward
- cmd+b: Move one character back
- cmd+a: Move to beginning of line
- cmd+e: Move to end of line
- cmd+p: Move to previous line
- cmd+n: Move to next line
(I've recently learned that cmd-o in insert mode allows you to perform one normal mode command, say like a motion, which invalidates most of the above but isn't as ingrained in my habits :)