
Unidirectional Data Flow Examples

Primary LanguageSwift

Unidirectional Data Flow Examples

These are examples of various implementations of the redux and react workflows in Swift. They're based on my talk:

Simplifying State by partially introducing unidirectional data flow in your codebase

from Pragma Conference 2017

The code is examplatory. There're multiple different branches based on the different parts of my slides.


The base branch (you're here)


A very simple implementation of Redux in Swift


Adding a proper reducer to the Redux implementation we saw earlier


Adding a stackview to emulate the basics of what react diffing does


Adding parent forms / subforms to our form in order to allow nesting stackviews

For questions or anything, you can watch the video here: [WIP]

Checkout the slides here: Speackerdeck presentation

Or contact me here: @terhechte