- 0
not support node22
#371 opened by yuu2lee4 - 2
- 2
Unable to compress ``
#369 opened by Mr-Lixiaoqaing - 2
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#368 opened by asadkhan-dbz - 1
No output if uglify method is called
#367 opened by sunilw - 1
how to uglify JSON?
#365 opened by phatpaul - 7
Unexpected token: keyword (const)
#352 opened by themeix - 1
- 3
TypeError: aStr.charAt is not a function
#361 opened by afeiship - 2
Gulp-uglify removes back-slash at the end of a line within a multi line string, causing a corrupted source-maps
#360 opened by Liroyal - 5
gulp-uglify can't handle async / await
#358 opened by etanb - 0
SourceMap not working well with gulp-uglify
#356 opened by HACHIMIam - 2
- 2
#353 opened by Bright0810 - 1
ES6 syntax not supported~
#355 opened by comeriven - 14
GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript
#349 opened by vkupar - 4
GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript Caused by: SyntaxError when using let or const
#344 opened by Alecto - 1
- 0
- 1
Npm link is broken
#347 opened by s0xzwasd - 1
- 2
gulp-uglify changes behavior of javascript
#346 opened by Stadly - 2
- 4
Uglify Fails When Using let In Function Definitions
#338 opened by ryuhhnn - 2
- 0
- 3
Task not compressing
#342 opened by rbiggs - 0
- 1
Docs for how to use with gulp 4?
#330 opened by atomless - 1
- 6
in different pc make different code
#324 opened by hanxu317317 - 2
- 8
Minification failing with Node v10
#334 opened by unigazer - 2
Can't parse for-await statement
#336 opened by falsandtru - 1
Infinite Loop
#333 opened by kaljak - 0
Valid JS results in Invalid Character Error
#331 opened by ctorx - 1
Double Arrow Function issue
#328 opened by HARIPRASADHARI - 1
uglifyjs sometimes generate wrong code if inner function has same variable name with one in closure.
#327 opened by fanthos - 1
Unexpected token: operator (!)
#325 opened by SARAN-thala - 0
GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript
#323 opened by ftp82 - 2
uglify do not minify all files
#322 opened by AlexyOd - 1
Compressed symbol ` error
#321 opened by Mozhate - 1
- 1
gulp sourcemaps doesn't update correct after pipe uglify and then gulpRegexp
#319 opened by hagaytarab - 1
Unable to use a Template String
#317 opened by danieljameskay - 1
Spread operator
#316 opened by CiroXM - 1
`preserveComments` is not a supported option
#315 opened by msudgh - 1
compress const statement error
#314 opened by zhl006006 - 1
how to use it with require.js ?
#313 opened by RickCole21 - 1
Error on strings wrapped with ``
#312 opened by BehnamAbdy