
Uglify an anonymous function

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Hi, I happen to have a problem when uglify an anonymous function. I am developing a chrome extension, and I need to insert a script to some webpage to retrieve some information(like width and height).

So If I have a script someScript.js

(function() {
   //do something here
   return {
      //some object

After I uglify with this code

pipes.moveProdScripts = function() {
    return gulp.src(paths.scripts)
        .pipe(babel({presets: [es2015]}))
        .pipe(plugins.uglify({mangle: false}))

I will get

!function() {
   // do something here
   return {
      //some object

The above code will return false whatever it return inside the function.

Is there any work around to keep it not using "!" but still minify the code?

gulp version: 3.9.1
gulp-uglify version: 2.0.0

Thanks you

Try passing options similar to the following:

var opts = {
  compress: {
    negate_iife: false