
only change the line length

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@terinjokes, is it possible to setup the uglify options for this to only control max line length? No, condensing, minification, etc. Only the max line length. I tried the options below but it still mush's everything together. I think I need someway to tell it not to remove whitespace or carriage returns?

uglifyJsOptions: {
mangle: false,
compress: false

I think you can get closer to what you want with:

var uglifyJSOptions = {
    mangle: false,
    compress: false,
    output: {
      beautify: true

You rock homey! This is what I did and it worked great:

uglifyJsOptionsLineLengthCutNonMinified: {
    mangle: false,
    compress: false,
    output: {
        beautify: true,
        max_line_len: 7000