
NeoVim plugin to interact with iOS Simulators

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


📱 ➕ ⌨️ 🟰 🚀

NeoVim plugin to interact with iOS Simulators straight from the comfort of your editor. It provides a lua API for simctl, Apple's command line tool.

Have you ever found yourself context switching all the time when you are developing against the iOS Simulator? Tired of having to use the mouse to quit apps, going through the tedious two-three click process of deleting apps before trying a fresh install or having to do other manual steps every time you run your app in development? This plugin is for you!

simctl.nvim can help you:

  • Create shortcuts to boot, shut down, restart and reset Simulators
  • Remote control Simulator settings like light/dark mode, permissions and font sizes
  • Develop Expo or React Native apps with easy run actions
  • Automate starting a Simulator when running your front end project
  • Create custom run and build actions setting up the Simulator just so
  • Automate setting UI options like time and network connection for screenshots
  • Test push notifications from APNS or JSON source files
  • Enroll biometry and send matching and non-matching authentication


Mac OS and Xcode are required. Make sure xcrun is available in your terminal.

Using Lazy:

  version = "*", -- Use latest release instead of latest commit. Recommended.
  dependencies = {

There is no need to call setup if you are ok with the defaults

  notify = true, -- enable error notifications
  devicePicker = true, -- show the device picker if no deviceId is supplied
  appPicker = true, -- show the app picker if no appId is supplied
  privacyServicePicker = true, -- show the privacy service picker if no service is supplied
  defaultToBootedDevice = false, -- default to booted device if no deviceId is supplied
  openSimulatorApp = true, -- open Simulator.app when booting a device, otherwise the device will run headless

Note that devicePicker and defaultToBootedDevice are not mutually exclusive; enabling both and calling an API function without a deviceId will first present an interactive device selector, and default to a booted device if the device selector is exited without picking a device.

Optional: Telescope with ui-select extension

If you find the built in vim.ui.select to look a bit drab and you want your device selectors and app selectors to look like the screenshot, install Telescope and enable the ui-select extension. This will override the built-in function with the Telescope UI.

Features - a bird's-eye view

The provided Lua API provides coverage of any simctl functions that might be most useful from NeoVim, such as launching and terminating apps, booting and shutting down devices, erasing devices and setting UI options.

Screenshot of NeoVim showing a dropdown picker of a device list

The API presents pickers for devices and apps if none are supplied, so most of the API functions can be called without arguments for interactive use, for instance: require("simctl.api").launch()

There is also support for testing push notifications, either through the API function, or directly from an .apns or .json file using the SimctlNotify command.

See the Wiki for more example usages, for instance with Expo, and some example key mappings.

Push notifications

The SimctlNotify command is automatically registered for .json and .apns files. The same action is registered for both, although the convention is for plain json files to only include the notification payload and the .apns file to include an additional "Simulator Target Bundle" indicating the app bundle ID to target:

    "Simulator Target Bundle": "com.test.MyNotifiedApp",
    "aps": {
        "alert": {
            "title": "NeoVim says hello",
            "body": "Your favourite editor sends its greetings"

Run the command :SimctlNotify or assign this to your keymap for quick access to send this notification to a booted device. The command takes two optional arguments, a deviceId and an app bundle ID.

Available API functions

local simctl = require("simctl.api")





local pickers = require("simctl.lib.pickers")

Add any of these to your keymap for easy access:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ib", function()

API Usage

All API functions take two optional arguments, args and callback.

Args is used to pass options to the function, and callback returns the result since all functions are asynchronous so as to not block the UI. Here's an example:

local args = {
  deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17",
  appId = "host.exp.Exponent"


The API is designed to be as forgiving as possible, and will present UI pickers for required options that weren't supplied, for instance a deviceId.

The deviceId booted is a special ID that picks one of the booted simulators at random. Useful if you only have one booted or don't care which simulator runs your command.

Functions that are expected to return a result do so through a callback. Here's an example:

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

local args = {
  deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17"
  appType = simctl.AppType.User

simctl.listapps(args, function(success, apps, stdout, stderr)

Boot (start) device

local args = {
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID. Required

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").boot(args, callback)

Erase (reset) device

local args = {
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID. Required. Can be "all" for all devices.

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").erase(args, callback)

Launch app

local args = {
    appId = "host.exp.Exponent", -- The app to launch. Required
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").launch(args, callback)

List available devices

local callback = function(success, devices, stdout, stderr)


List installed apps

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

local args = {
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID
    appType = simctl.AppType.User -- Optional. Returns all apps if not filtered

local callback = function(success, apps, stdout, stderr)

simctl.listapps(args, callback)

Open URL

local args = {
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID
    url = "https://soundthesea.com" -- The URL to open. Required

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").openurl(args, callback)

Send a push notification

local args = {
    appId = "com.test.MyNotifiedApp" -- App bundle ID. Required.
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID
    payload = "[JSON]" -- The json payload of the push message (see format above in the SimctlNotify documentation)


Shut down device

local args = {
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID. Required. Can also be "all" to shut down all running devices.

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").shutdown(args, callback)

Simulators cannot be erased in their Booted state so they have to be shut down first:

local simctl = require("simctl.api")
local device = { deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" }
simctl.shutdown(device, function(success)
  if success then
    simctl.erase(device, function(success)
        -- Next step of your dev workflow?


Set biometry enrollment status

local simctl = require("simctl.api")
simctl.biometry.setEnrollment({ enrolled = true })

Get biometry enrollment status

local simctl = require("simctl.api")
simctl.biometry.isEnrolled({}, function(success, isEnrolled)

Toggle biometry enrollment status

local simctl = require("simctl.api")
simctl.biometry.toggleEnrollment({}, function(success, isEnrolled)

Biometric authentication

local simctl = require("simctl.api")
simctl.biometry.authenticate() -- This is me
simctl.biometry.authenticate({ match = true }) -- This is me
simctl.biometry.authenticate({ match = false }) -- This is someone else

Status bar

Set status bar values

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

    [simctl.StatusbarFlag.BATTERY_LEVEL] = 50,
    [simctl.StatusbarFlag.TIME] = "09:41"

Clear status bar overrides

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

simctl.statusBar({ clear = true })

Get current status bar overrides

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

simctl.statusBar({}, function(success, result)

Note: This API returns just text at the moment and is liable to change into a parsed version

Terminate app

local args = {
    appId = "host.exp.Exponent", -- The app to terminate. Required
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID. Optional, will pick a running simulator if not supplied ("booted").

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").terminate(args, callback)

Set UI options

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

-- Return current content size
simctl.ui.contentSize({}, function(success, contentSize)

-- Set content size to accessibility-large
simctl.ui.setContentSize({ size = simctl.ui.ContentSize.ACCESSIBILITY_LARGE })

-- Increment content size
simctl.ui.setContentSize({ size = simctl.ui.ContentSizeModifier.INCREMENT })

-- Return current appearance
simctl.ui.appearance({}, function(success, appearance)

-- Set appearance to dark
simctl.ui.setAppearance({ appearance = simctl.ui.Appearance.DARK })

-- Toggle appearance between light and dark

-- Return current contrast mode
simctl.ui.increaseContrast({}, function(success, enabled)
    print("High contrast is " .. tostring(enabled))

-- Set increased contrast
simctl.ui.increaseContrast({ enabled = true })

Grant, revoke, or reset privacy and permissions

local simctl = require("simctl.api")

-- Grant access to photos, showing a device picker and an app picker
simctl.privacy.grant({}, M.Service.PHOTOS)

-- Revoke access from photos for a specific app
simctl.privacy.revoke({ appId = "host.exp.Exponent" }, M.Service.PHOTOS)

-- Reset privacy settings for all services
simctl.privacy.reset({}, M.Service.ALL)

Uninstall app

local args = {
    appId = "host.exp.Exponent", -- The app to terminate. Required
    deviceId = "FE4BD15E-C65C-45DB-960A-78A771B16D17" -- Device ID. Optional, will pick a running simulator if not supplied ("booted").

local callback = function(success, _, stdout, stderr)

require("simctl.api").uninstall(args, callback)