
Emacs tramp and shell setup

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Setup tramp and shell-mode for interactive shells and remote file editing. Supports local shells, ssh, sudo, docker and kubernetes.


Clone this repository and add to load-path:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/emacs-shell")
(require 'emacs-shell)

Interactive shells

To start interactive shells, use these commands:

Command Description
M-x localhost-shell Shell on localhost
M-x ssh-shell Shell on remote host
M-x sudo-shell Root shell (localhost or remote)
M-x docker-shell Shell in local docker container
M-x pod-shell Shell in kubernetes pod

Bash will be started if available, and your .bashrc on the emacs host will be sourced in the remote shell. Shell history will also be saved in individual files on the emacs host (.emacs.d/shell-history directory), so history is kept between sessions even if pods have been restarted etc.


In addition to the bindings from shell-mode, these keybindings are added:

Keys Where Description
S-C-n global Start new localhost shell
C-p shell-mode Previous history
C-n shell-mode Next history
C-c C-c password input Abort command