Detect if the specific fonts are installed, and add classes to the html
Inspired by:
<script src="./fontdetect.js"></script>
// Basic
FontDetect.test('gillsans', 'Gill Sans');
// Slug can be omitted (Assumed as 'segoeui')
FontDetect.test('Segoe UI');
// Multiple family names as an array
FontDetect.test('palatino', [ 'Palatino', 'Palatino Linotype' ]);
// Multiple tests as an object
meiryo: 'Meiryo',
mincho: [ 'Hiragino Mincho ProN', 'Yu Mincho', 'YuMincho' ]
<html class=" gillsans no-segoeui palatino no-meiryo mincho">
- Does not support IE 8 and below