
Google Fonts Offline — use Google Fonts locally

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Fonts Offline


Getting Started

Internet in my country a little bit sucks sometimes so I need to use fonts continuously. With greatest HTML post-processing library for Grunt processhtml it may looks like this:

<!-- build:remove:release -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="fonts/fonts.css">
<!-- /build -->

<!-- build:remove:dev  -->
        <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.4.7/webfont.js"></script>
                google: {
                    families: ['Dosis:200', 'Smythe', 'Ubuntu']
<!-- /build -->

There are two options for downloading Google Fonts.


With Node.js install package (prefer global):

npm install -g google-fonts-offline

Then use links from Quick Use or your collection as an argument:

goofoffline "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans"

All stuff will be stored at fonts directory by default. CSS file with @font-face declarations called fonts.css.

You can use outDir and outCss arguments for changing defaults. For example:

goofoffline outDir=tmp outCss=gf.css "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:200italic"

.net/mono scriptcs

With scriptcs download goofoffline.csx and fontface.css.tpl into your working directory and then use your Google Fonts link:

scriptcs goofoffline.csx -- "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:200italic"

Notice! Powershell need escape double dash with backtick symbol, i.e. `-- instead of --.

Checkout your new shiny fonts directory and fonts.css file.

Little thoughts

I've test this scripts just with Google Fonts but I think it should works with any stylesheets URLs with @font-face declarations.
