
Well-structured and constantly improving dotfile-solution. Forking and feedback is welcome!

Primary LanguageShell

Configuration files

This repository contains my configuration files. Each directory contains a group of configuration files for either a single application or a purpose. The destination of these configuration files should be $HOME.

The configuration can easily be linked with GNU stow.


Install everything

git clone git://github.com/terlar/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
make install

Install group(s)

A group is corresponding to a directory in the project root.

git clone git://github.com/terlar/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
make install PKGS=group
make install PKGS=group1,group2


Pull the latest dotfiles and install.

cd ~/.dotfiles
make update


Unlinks the dotfiles.

cd ~/.dotfiles
make uninstall
rm -rf ~/.dotfiles