The most popular notification configuration extension for the Contao Open Source CMS!
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Error when sending forms with file upload
#387 opened by katgirl - 22
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NC 2.2 - Dateiname im Klartext Speichern
#381 opened by Schmidty2 - 6
Error thrown while running command "cache:warmup"
#378 opened by ufeldmann - 6
- 10
- 8
Argument #2 ($metadata) must be of type Contao\CoreBundle\Filesystem\ExtraMetadata, array given
#370 opened by franklytom - 1
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- 10
Form Tokens von Feldern, deren Feldname auf "-suffix" o.ä. enden, werden in E-Mails nicht ersetzt!
#363 opened by bildschirmartist - 0
request.CRITICAL: The message ID "0" does not exist.
#364 opened by leon1995 - 3
- 3
[V2.0] Fehlermeldung beim Versenden
#357 opened by zonky2 - 1
"Dateianhänge via Tokens" funktionieren nicht
#355 opened by cscheibelhut - 2
Dependency on a non-existent service "Codefog\HasteBundle\StringParser" Fehler nach Installation
#353 opened by chrizdee - 2
- 2
- 0
Version `2.0.10` not installable on Contao 4.13
#347 opened by zoglo - 0
- 2
Mail Problem: The parcel could not be delivered... The \"\" transport does not exist
#343 opened by ggradwohl - 3
Notifications fail silently
#335 opened by fritzmg - 13
Tokens in File Include Insert Tag don't get filled
#330 opened by Shoekrates - 0
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Notifications not sent
#329 opened by thomas-mgh - 1
EmailGatewayMigration is not working
#332 opened by janborg - 1
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internal links not working
#324 opened by Ernestopheles - 5
Simple Tokens Doku
#317 opened by LBeckX - 4
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Insert tags in mail template not processed
#322 opened by de-es - 3
Unsubscribe without notification throws error
#321 opened by de-es - 2
Redirect page for successful activation not found (404)
#320 opened by de-es - 3
Probleme mit Spalte language
#316 opened by do-while - 28
Field type "file upload" > Wrong result in E-mail on the first automatic notification
#315 opened by biowebfr - 2
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Should the sender name be mandatory?
#313 opened by bennyborn - 1
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Benachrichtungsfehler nach Update: Contao (4.13.35 zu 4.13.37) und Notification Center (1.7.5 zu 1.7.6).
#300 opened by mem-lima - 1
Export activation token
#290 opened by AlexanderWillner - 0
[NC2] Error at install
#296 opened by zonky2 - 2
Support for boolean operators?
#287 opened by itxup - 1
- 2
Warning: $e not defined
#294 opened by falkgeist - 3
Undefined Array Key Warning in Version 1.6.5
#295 opened by ThomasKettner - 2
Newsletter-related modules are missing in backend
#288 opened by lizardat - 1
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Postmark Header: X-PM-Message-Stream: broadcast
#284 opened by Metis77 - 2
Undefined array key "email_sender_name"
#279 opened by Ernestopheles