
Software to interact with Truebit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Truebit OS

Getting Started


chmod 755 install.sh

chmod 755 deploy.sh


node os/shell.js


After starting up the shell you can enter commands to start submitting and solving tasks:

You can start up a task giver process that will monitor the incentive layer smart contract for events:

start task -a 0

Now the process will be monitoring for tasks created by account 0.

We can also start up a solver:

start solve -a 1

We've started up a solver with account 1 (this is to simulate different users, but it could be the same account).

Finally, we can submit our task:

task -a 0 -t testTask.json

We have specified to submit a task from account 0. And the data related to the task is located at testTask.json

If you are running on this on a development test net you will need to skip blocks to see the solution in the solutions directory.

skip 65

Now you should see a json file in solutions/ labelled with the task id.

You can exit out of the shell and close the running processes with quit

Git Submodule Commands

Add submodule

git submodule add *url*

Cloning repo with submodule

git clone *repo*
cd *submodule_name*
git submodule init
git submodule update

If you want to include all the submodules with the repo you clone

git clone --recurse-submodules *url*

Fetching submodule updates

git submodule update --remote *submodule_name*

Pushing changes of a submodule to remote

git submodule update --remote --merge