Deepstellar Speech

This repository contains our model-based analysis framework for the RNN .

The structure of the repository

It is structured as follows:

├── deepstellar_data/
├── deepstellar_img_demo/
├── deepstellar/


This directory contains the core implementation for the evaluation of in the paepr


This directory contains the train and temporary generated data by abstraction, feature extraction, *wav example and checkpoint_mozilla_deepspeech


This directory contains the use cases including the image classification for mnist


Install and prepare data [tiny size for tutorial]

cd /home/lyk/workspace/deepstellar_xiaoning_pc
# if file not exist, pls download 

Note that the results depend on the precision of the automata. In the example, we just randomly set some parameters , so the results may not be very good due to that the autamoton is not the best one. To get better results, please select better automaton. More detail pls check in paper .

step-1: build asbtract

 #cd /home/lyk/workspace/deepstellar_xiaoning_pc
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
conda activate deepstellar_mnist  
python  deepstellar/applications/ -dl_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.3.0/ -profile_data `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_seed/  -profile_save_path `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_vectors -k 2 -m 3 -name_prefix deepspeech -abst_save_path `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_abst

The meanings of the options are:

  1. -k determines the number of dimensions to be reduced by PCA
  2. -m number the intervals on each dimension.
  3. -dl_model path of dl model
  4. -profile_data path of data to do the profiling
  5. -profile_save_path dir to save profiling raw data
  6. -name_prefix name prefix when save the abstract model
  7. --abst_save_path path to save abstract model

After the step 1, we will get one RNN model, several abstract models (i.e., automata) with different numnbers of components and the extracted features (for traning/test data) with the abstract models. It save the information of the abstract models in deepstellar_data/audio_abst/

step-2: evaluate the asbtraction :

  • 2.1, Visualize the generated the abstract model or the state trace of a sample
 # conda activate deepstellar_mnist
python deepstellar/applications/ -abst_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_abst/wrapper_deepspeech_2_3.pkl -type model -save_folder `pwd`/deepstellar_data/visiualization/

the file save in " deepstellar_data/visiualization/model.gv.pdf"

  • 2.2, Visualize the PCA cluster
python deepstellar/applications/ -abst_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_abst/wrapper_deepspeech2_3_10.pkl -type trace -save_folder `pwd`/deepstellar_data/visiualization/ -dl_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/ -sample `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_seed/1-100038-A-14.wav

the file save in " deepstellar_data/visiualization/pca_trace.pdf"

**To reproduce the similar results for paper, please set -k and -m same as paper In the following , please select the better automaton which has m components (by setting -components m) based on the stability values

The meanings of the options are:

  1. -abst_model path to save abstract model
  2. -type visualize type model, trace
  3. -save_folder folder to save the figure
  4. -dl_model path of dl model
  5. -sample generate trace for the sample
  6. -id identifier for saved file name

It will output the results in the pdf [deepstellar_data/visiualization/] .

step-3 For adversarial detection:

RQ: it will show the pattern for Adversarial Sample Detection

  • step-3.1: swtich to tf 1.4.0 and export some essential variable by exprt

conda activate deepspeech_0.3.0
python -c "import tensorflow as tf ;print (tf.__version__);" 

# which python 
export python_exe=`which python`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$python_exe/../../lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

# assert tf.__version__ =="1.4.0"

this is important to goto 1.4.0 tf, because we just adapte the in tf_1.40 and deepspeech_0.1.1

  • step-3.2(good): calculate the metrics for goodcase inputs
python deepstellar/applications/ -dl_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/  -ref_sample ./text2speech_adv.wav   -abst_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_abst/wrapper_deepspeech2_3_10.pkl -decoder_library  /home/lyk/deepspeech_binary/lib/ -lm_binary `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/lm.binary -trie `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/trie -sample `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_adv_samples/sample-001606-0.wav

  • step-3.3(bad): calculate the metrics for attacked-case inputs
python deepstellar/applications/ -dl_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/  -ref_sample ./text2speech_adv.wav   -abst_model `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_abst/wrapper_deepspeech2_3_10.pkl -decoder_library  /home/lyk/deepspeech_binary/lib/ -lm_binary `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/lm.binary -trie `pwd`/deepstellar_data/mozilla_deepspeech_models_0.1.1/trie -sample `pwd`/deepstellar_data/audio_adv_samples/sample-001606-1.wav

  • the different between step-2.0 with step-2.1 is the last audio filename, which change from "sample-001606-0.wav" to "sample-001606-1.wav"

The meanings of the options are:

  1. -sample path to the audio to classify
  2. -ref_sample path to the audio generated by test2speech engine
  3. -dl_model path to the checkpoint(0.1.1)
  4. -decoder_library path to the decoder library ,default:
  5. -lm_binary lm_binary from mozillar deepspeech's release version, more detail pls goto
