Emersoft hometask

This Next.js application shows an example of React blog application.

Since the basic implementation of this task as has been said should take 2-3 hours on average there are some stuff left for improvements, namely (points below are applicable for real-world production blog):

  • Make app fully compliant with WAI-ARIA (even though some of parts of the app can be detected and interacted by screen readers, but it'd be great to have a full WAI-ARIA coverage when it comes to real-world blog)
  • Add tests coverage
  • Provide better type safety
  • Get rid of redundant re-renders (e.g. leverage useReducer hook to set a few pieces of state in one action)
  • Create documentation for components and functions (e.g. Storybook)
  • Provide caching (SWR internal functionality)
  • Add better error handing and some error tracking software (e.g. Sentry)
  • Organize tailwind classes in alises for reusability
  • Add authentication for endpoints so they cannot be triggered for malicious purposes
  • SEO integration, so the posts can be indexed by search engines
  • Paginate JSON file asyncronously for faster searching, filtering (using some semblance of multithreaded)
  • And so many other stuff


🚀 Quick start

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the packages installation:


Run dev server:

yarn dev

Build app and run:

yarn build

yarn start

📄 Task

Technology Requirements

  1. latest NextJS
  2. tailwindcss

Task Description

  1. Simple Blog page with SSR.
  2. Create simple API endpoints to fetch, search and filter blog posts
  3. Simple pagination - button next and prev page
  4. Search blog posts by title
  5. Simple Filter by Category
  6. Simple page to display blog post - title, image, excerpt, list of categories.
  7. Use provided JSON file with example posts.