THIS REPO HAS BEEN MERGED WITH TERMUX-PACKAGES - open issues and PRs against that repo instead
This repository contains packages that are more or less related to science, i.e. they might not be of interest for the average termux user.
Information on how to open pull requests to help keep the packages here up to date can be read in
To build a package, first clone science-packages,
git clone
and then update the termux-packages submodule.
cd science-packages
git submodule init
git submodule update
You can then build a package with the following:
./ name-of-package
Note that this currently only works outside of the docker container. To build from the docker container, science-packages has to be a subfolder of termux-packages, and a science package can then be built with
./ science-packages/packages/package-to-build
The termux-package submodule is not needed for this.
To install packages from this repository, you need to subscribe to it with:
pkg install science-repo