This software in a pre-alpha stage and is not suitable for use in production.
This module includes following tools:
- PCK archive explorer / tester / extractor / creator.
- GDScript batch "compiler" / "decompiler".
- Resource text <-> binary batch converter.
- Full project recovery (CLI-only)
Full project recovery performs the following:
- Decompiles all GDScript scripts
- Recovers the original project file
- Converts all resources back to their original import formats
- Does not currently support converting models and ADPCM wavs to their original format
This module has support for decompiling Godot 4.x, 3.x, and 2.x projects.
- To perform full project recovery from the command line:
gdre_tools --recover=game.pck
Optional arguments:
: Output directory, defaults to <NAME>_extracted
, or the project directory if one is specified
: The Key to use if PAK/EXE is encrypted (hex string)
Use the same Godot tools version that the original game was compiled in to edit the project. In order to detect this, see To detect Godot version
- All other module functions (excepting for full project recovery) are accessible via
RE Tools
menu. - Decompilers additionally available as
GDScript classes.
var decomp = GDScriptDecomp_{commit_hash}.new()
# or
decomp.decompile_byte_code_encrypted(path, key)
var source = decomp.get_script_text()
Godot 4.0 (master branch) @ commit
- Support for building on 3.x has been dropped and no new features are being pushed.
To decompile GDScript, exact engine version that was used to compile it, should be specified.
Run ./{executable_name} --version > version.txt
Version strings have following formats:
- Official releases:
- Development builds:
Copy executable to the helpers
Run ./{executable_name} -s --path .
This software can be used either as a standalone executable or as a Godot module.
Go the the releases and download the latest zip
file for your operating system from the assets.
Clone this repository into Godot's modules
subfolder as gdsdecomp
Rebuild Godot engine as described in
The source code of the module is licensed under MIT license.