
École 42 assignment - an expert system using backward-chaining algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Expert System

École 42 assignment - an expert system for propositional calculus using backward-chaining algorithm

About the project

  • This is a group project of École 42.
  • My teammate is keatchut.
  • The objective of this project is to create a program that can take logical statements, their initial value and use backward chaining algorithm to find the value of the queried facts.

System Requirements

  • Compiler that support C++17
  • CMake 3.10+
  • Boost library 1.68+



  • MacOS
    brew install cmake
    brew install boost
  • Ubuntu 18.04
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install cmake
    sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

Expert System

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake -build .
cd ..

The executable will be at bin/expert_system.


To run in normal mode

./bin/expert_system [filename]


Shorthand Full Mode Description
-h --help show help message
-f --facts interactive facts mode user can change initial facts without having to rerun the program
-q --query interactive query mode user can change query without having to rerun the program
-v --visualisation reasoning visualisation mode display step-by-step backward chaining reasoning process
-d --debug debug mode display all values after evaluation
-c --color color mode display with color
-p --print print mode print input file


Below is an example of an input.

A + B => C
C => D



The input are seperated into 3 sequential parts:

  • rules

    Format: condition => conclusion.

    A condition contains one or more facts and operators on the list below (ordered by priority of execution).

    • NOT !
    • AND +
    • OR |
    • XOR ^

    A conclusion has one or more facts and can have only operator AND +

  • initial facts

    Format: =[facts]

    All fact values are default to FALSE. The initial facts declaration will change the fact values to TRUE.

  • query

    Format: ?[facts] The program will do backward chaining on the facts and print the result.