
Minimal docker container for zwave-js-server

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal docker container for zwave-js-server. This container provides a usable zwave-js-server and nothing else. The zwave-js-server is a websocket application that hosts the Z-Wave JS driver software.

For a more functional application that also provides the zwave-js-server, it is recommended to use zwavejs2mqtt instead.

Docker Configuration

Z-Wave JS (the driver) stores information about the Z-Wave network in a set of cache files. When the server restarts, the driver loads the network information from the cache. Without this information the network will not be fully usable right away. Therefore it is very important that the cache files are persisted between container restarts.

Run with a volume mount

# Create a persistent volume for the driver cache
docker volume create zjs-storage

# starts the server and uses the persistent volume
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=zjs -v zjs-storage:/cache -e NETWORK_KEY="17DFB0C1BED4CABFF54E4B5375E257B3" --device "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00:/dev/zwave" kpine/zwave-js-server:latest

Run with a bind mount

# starts the server and uses the cache folder
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=zjs -v "$PWD/cache:/cache" -e NETWORK_KEY="17DFB0C1BED4CABFF54E4B5375E257B3" --device "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00:/dev/zwave" kpine/zwave-js-server:latest

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is the easiest way to maintain a container configuration.

Minimal docker-compose.yaml file:

    container_name: zjs
    image: kpine/zwave-js-server:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      NETWORK_KEY: "17DFB0C1BED4CABFF54E4B5375E257B3"
      - '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00:/dev/zwave'
      - ./cache:/cache
      - '3000:3000'

Environment variables:

  • NETWORK_KEY: The Z-Wave network key in hex string (0-9A-F) format with exactly 32 hex characters. This is a required value and the container will not start if left undefined.
  • LOGTOFILE: Set this to true to configure the driver to log to a file. Leave undefined to use the driver's default setting.
  • LOGFILENAME: Set this to configure the driver log filename (only used when LOGTOFILE is true). The default is /logs/zwave_%DATE%.log. Note that the driver will automatically rotate the logfiles using a date based scheme.
  • LOGLEVEL: Set this to configure the driver loglevel. Leave undefined to use the driver's default setting.
  • USB_PATH: The device path of the Z-Wave USB controller. Defaults to /dev/zwave. The controller device path can be mapped from the host as /dev/zwave instead as an alternative to using this variable.


  • /cache - The driver cache directory. A volume or bind mount should be mapped to this directory to persist the network information between container restarts.
  • /cache/config - The driver device configuration priority directory. Used to load your custom device configuration files. The directory is automatically created if /cache is a named volume, otherwise it must be created manually or mapped as a volume/bind mount.
  • /logs - When logging to file is enabled, this is the directory where the driver log file is written to. Assign a volume or bind mount to this directory to access and save the logfiles outside of the container.


  • 3000 - The zwave-js-server websocket port. External applications, such as Home Assistant, must be able to connect to this port to interact with the server.


Network Key

A simple way to generate a random network key is with the following command:

$ < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-F0-9 | head -c32 ; echo

USB Path

Instead of using the USB_PATH environment variable, map the device path to the default /dev/zwave.

User Device Configuration Files

Use the /cache/config directory to easily test new device config files or modifications to existing ones. The files located in this directory will supplement or override the embedded device config database. When the container is restarted and the network is started, the driver logs will indicate which file was loaded:

2021-06-19T06:19:18.506Z CNTRLR   [Node 007] Embedded device config loaded
2021-06-19T06:21:43.793Z CNTRLR   [Node 007] User-provided device config loaded