
Javascript Terra Bridge SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bridge SDK

Basic usage

Install from npm:

npm i @terra-money/bridge-sdk

Connect station:

import { StationWallet, ChainType, BridgeType, isValidAddress } from '@terra-money/bridge-sdk'

const wallet = new StationWallet()

if (!wallet.isSupported()) {
    `${wallet.description.name} is not supported on your device, please try from a different wallet.`,
} else if (!wallet.isInstalled()) {
  console.log(`You can install ${wallet.description.name} here: ${wallet.description.installLink}`)

  .then(({ address }) => console.log(address))

If you are using TerraLedgerWallet you can specify more options on the connect function, to select a custom derivation index (default is 0) and to use bluetooth (default is USB)

Get the balance (wallet must be already connected):

  .then((res) => {
      ? console.log(`Balance: ${res.data} uluna`)
      : console.log(`Error: ${res.error}`

Send tx from station (wallet must be already connected):

const destinationAddress = 'osmo1...'

// validate destination address
if(!isValidAddress(destinationAddress, ChainType.osmosis)) {
  console.log('Error: invalid address')

// transfer
    src: ChainType.terra,
    dst: ChainType.osmosis,
    bridge: BridgeType.ibc,
    address: destinationAddress,
    coin: {
      amount: 100_000,
      denom: 'uluna',
  .then((res) => {
      ? console.log(`TX hash: ${res.txhash}`)
      : console.log(`Error: ${res.error}`

You can use the same functions on the TerraLedgerWallet,KeplrWallet and MetaMaskWallet to send a tx from those wallets

You can find more info about the available functions on the Wallet inteface

Coming soon

  • More IBC chains

  • Support for wormhole

  • Other wallets: (Station mobile, Coinbase wallet, BSC, WalletConnect, Keplr Mobile)

  • Function estimateBridgeFee() to calculate the fee that the user will pay on the transfer.

  • Function waitForTx()to wait until the tx is confirmed on-chain.

  • Functions onAccountChange() and onNetworkChange() to trigger actions when the user switch account or networ.