SimpleIOC is a framework for configuring autowire (JSR330) beans using XML.
Configurable bean properties include
- caching (singleton)
- ThreadLocal beans
- autocreation
@RegistryBean(name = "regBean", cached=false, autocreate=true)
public class ExampleAnnotatedBean {
private SampleInjectedInterface interface2;
Construction filters can be used by SimpleIOC to wrap beans in arbitrary dynamic proxies at construction time.
A typical example is using cglib to define a dynamic proxy which can be used to implement a custom annotation such as @Transactional
final IOCBeanRegistry autobeanRegistry = new DefaultIOCBeanRegistry();
* populate the beans we need
jcrPersistenceContext = (JcrPersistenceContext) autobeanRegistry.getBean("jcrpersistencecontext");
public class ExampleProxyCreatingFilter implements IOCInstantiationFilter {
public Object filter(IOCBeanRegistry iocBeanRegistry, Object object, Bean bean) throws IOCException {
try {
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(object.getClass().getClassLoader(), object.getClass().getInterfaces(), new DebugProxy(object));
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IOCException("Exception in filter", e);
- simpleioc-struts. Support for injection of JSR330 beans into Strut2 Actions
- simpleioc-testng. Support for TestNG Testing
- simpleioc-junit. Support for JUnit Testing
- simpleioc-servlet. Support for Servlets