Terraform module to create AWS Application/Network Load Balancer (ALB/NLB) resources 🇺🇦
- 3
secgrp that self-references
#391 opened by celesteking - 5
"Attempt to get attribute from null value" error
#390 opened by fatmcgav - 0
Crearting lambda as target group causes aws_lb_target_group issue on first apply
#394 opened by scott-doyland-burrows - 1
Enable stickiness on target group of ALB
#388 opened by AntalicMartin - 3
Can't use TCP as target group health check protocol
#386 opened by Amarquier - 2
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Conditionally setting attributes
#380 opened by evanstoddard23 - 2
Allow tags to be assigned to ALB resource only
#393 opened by visit1985 - 8
ALB without target group attachment not working
#377 opened by kvarzand - 3
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One listener, multiple target groups
#374 opened by shriyo101 - 4
[bug] - waiting `target_failover` for other load_balancer than `gateway` type
#373 opened by remi-f-artelia - 3
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Dangling subnet_mapping attributes while changing NLB config from subnet to subnet_mapping
#371 opened by kartik-03 - 3
Changing to weighted-forward listener rule (to add stickiness) results in error determining target group arn
#375 opened by barnabyibis - 3
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Separate module for listener rules
#365 opened by prandelicious - 1
Example complete id error
#367 opened by andre-lx - 1
Error: Unsupported attribute
#364 opened by DoyleDev - 4
Target_id need is not obligatory when specify target group type IP or instance
#368 opened by leosilvasouza - 7
Unable to create listener for gateway lb
#362 opened by shadycuz - 4
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Example code target group data structure invalid
#356 opened by hustshawn - 8
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Invalide Attribute Combination
#354 opened by cdg-gavin-gavinyap - 2
Add lifecycle support to module
#352 opened by mInrOz - 11
How to remove initial tag
#337 opened by globart - 47
More than one attach target in target groups
#316 opened by stivi21 - 3
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Use named indexes for target groups
#350 opened by MWEJ - 4
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NLB to ASG target_group_arns
#339 opened by jpc2350 - 4
fixed_response not working
#343 opened by kubegurus - 2
"subnet_mapping": only one of `subnet_mapping,subnets` can be specified, but `subnet_mapping,subnets` were specified.
#340 opened by andyli - 6
target_id error
#336 opened by alok165 - 4
NLB subnet configuration example not idempotent
#325 opened by johnbarney - 2
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9.0 upgrade issue: Insufficient default_action blocks
#330 opened by dougbergh - 5
Request for contributions - Usage patterns
#311 opened by bryantbiggs - 2
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Multiple conditions in load balancer rules throw the error "Only one of host_header, http_header, http_request_method, path_pattern, query_string or source_ip can be set in a condition block"
#329 opened by cdhesse - 13
aws_lb_target_group_attachment is broken after upgrade to 9.x version. Also, strange error showing up, related to default_action for aws_lb_listener resource.
#323 opened by Andrei-sys - 3
LB Group Attachment Broken In v9.1.0
#317 opened by WesselAtWork - 7
After upgrade to 9.x - aws_lb_target_group_attachment does not have an attribute named "target_id"
#321 opened by falc410 - 3
listeners must have the same map
#318 opened by alisson276 - 3
v9: Incompatibility with `terraform-aws-eks` module - self-managed node groups (`target_group_arns`)
#312 opened by pat-s - 3
Target group needs something to point to (target_id), this isn't the case for ECS containers
#314 opened by mdimarino - 3